I went home to Houston this weekend so I was able to attend church with my family. I have to admit, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude to God when I saw my family. Not only were they in good health, but they are holding fast the SOUND DOCTRINE of Jesus Christ. It has been placed in my spirit lately about how the world has shifted away from that which is Godly and nearer to the very things that break the heart of God. The Scripture that has found its way into my mouth lately has been
"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear"-2 Timothy 4:3
In addition Isaiah 5:20 talks of people who call good evil, and evil good and that verse says WOE UNTO THEM. The Lord has instructed us to study to show ourselves approve unto Him, a workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth! (2 Timothy 2:15) Therefore, if you are attending a church that does not preach the Bible, or preaches the Bible in parts (deciding which part to teach and which part to ignore) then your soul is in trouble. It is time to find another place of worship. If you have friends who are not godly, it's time to separate yourself from amongst them. Basically, remove yourself from anything and everything that does not stand on the Holiness and Righteousness of Christ. We are in this world, but not of this world! Be therefore different! Today when I attended the service, the Sunday school was studying the book of Revelations and my heart leaped for joy! This is what all pastors should be preaching at this age! We are in the last days and this period of God's grace is almost over! Immediately following this period is judgement. The Lord is pouring out His Spirit and calling all that will hear to REPENT for the time is short. Do you hear Him? If so what are you doing about it? God's words will come to pass with or without your acknowledgment, whether you believe it or not. The safest place to be at this age, is under the Shadow of the Almighty.
I beg you brothers and sisters. If you read this, please search your heart and make sure that you are right with God. The warnings are here! Let us now surround ourselves with true believers of Christ! Remove and separate yourself from darkness! The Word of God tells us that "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:"-John 10:27. If you are of the flock of God, hear His voice now. Come out of the world, and be surrounded with Sound Doctrine. Many will come and have come to dilute the Word of God and weaken the children of God. Therefore arm yourself with the TRUTH and that TRUTH IS JESUS CHRIST! THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER!
Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- Galatians 1:8
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
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