I've had people message me and ask me questions about meals from my youtube video I posted. From those messages, I promised that I was going to blog a little more about health and fitness things! Well here we go! My advice to anyone starting a weight lost journey/ lifestyle change is to prepare your mind for what your body is about to experience. One way to prepare your mind is by knowing exactly what you are going to eat each day. This is called Meal prepping. Meal prepping is still useful for me as a student because it saves time and allows me to keep my health in check even while busy with school. In the same vain, it can work for those working a full time job, or anyone who is a parent. When you have a schedule of what you are going to eat and when you are going to eat, it makes it a lot easier to stick to the journey and prevents binge eating or the various temptations that you will find throughout the week. Start by writing out your meals. Have a clear idea of what you are going to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and be sure to include healthy snacks in between these three main meals. Doing this simple task before the week starts has many advantages. One great advantage of doing this is that you will be able to know exactly how much calories you've consumed in the day. Weight loss is simple math between calories in and calories out so accounting for each calorie will help you reach your goal faster. Below is a sample lunch prep I made as an example of a simple lunch meal prep. If you are like me and you get tired of eating the same thing every day, you can fix two types of lunches and alternate between the days to spice things up a little! I hope this helps! Above all, ask God for the strength and wisdom to make good decisions (health related and with other aspects of life) daily.
Lunch: Salad with baked chicken and a side of fruits. |
T.M.V- 3 John1:2
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul