As I reflect back on my three years of operating this blog, I think about all the experiences I have gone through. I read the emails and comments from people who share with me how they stumbled upon a blog post that ministered to them at a crucial time in their life and I cannot believe that my little obedience to God encouraged someone whom I will probably never meet in person. In addition, at times I view where my blog is being accessed from and I think to myself, "I may never in this lifetime visit that country, yet my words have gone there." These awe moments made me to question, but what if I didn't start blogging? That is the same question that is upon my heart tonight.
"But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood"- Galatians 1:15-16
The above Scripture reveals many things. First it reveals that there's a specific time to activate the calling of God upon your life and to make manifest the gifts God has deposited in you. That specific time is when it pleases God. The Lord calls people at different stages of life. Josiah was 8 years old when he became king (2 Chronicles 34:1), Jesus began His ministry on earth at the age of 30 (Luke 3:23), and Paul, formerly known as Saul, was called by God in the above Scripture after many years of persecuting the children of God meaning he must have been very matured in age. The common denominator is that everyone assumed their calling at the time appointed by God. The second revelation in the Scripture shows that God called us from birth. When the Lord formed us in our mother's womb, He formed us because He had a job and needed someone or something to fulfill that work. We see this pattern of creation with God from the very beginning of time. It was when God saw the darkness that He created light. It was when God saw that man should not be alone that He created woman. This is to say, there's something unique that only you can do. We are told that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few so God calls workers for His field (Luke 10:2). We should be prayerful in asking God what work He created us for because we fulfill destiny only when our work is done in the right field. We may be busy in life, engaged in many activities, succeeding in our professions, and being admired by others, but if we are not operating where God needed us, we will stand before God only to realize we wasted our life! The third revelation in the above scripture is that the purpose for the calling is to reveal Christ in us. The glory must belong to God! God did not call you and gift you to give you a platform of fame or popularity. His Word says that if anyone should boast, let him or she boast in the Lord ( 2 Corinthians 10:17). His Word also says He must increase, but I must decrease (John 3:30). It is by God's grace that you are who and what you are and not the workings of your own hands.
It is very clear to see that God put thought in our calling so what happens if we don't accept the call of God? What happens when we don't utilize the gifts His has given us? The simple answer is that there will be people who may never hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If Jesus was not obedient to the Father even unto death, there would be no salvation of mankind, no saving grace, no blood to purge us of our sins, no reconciliation back to the Father, and no eternal life. If Paul did not accept his calling, God wouldn't have used him to write over two-thirds of the New Testament Books. Though he disobeyed at first, because Jonah eventually accepted the call of God on his life, an entire city was saved from the destruction of God. Imagine the number of lives saved because of obedience! This applies to us too in this present time. Use what God has given you to do what He has called you for. Imagine how devastating it will be to stand before God at the end of your life only for God to tell you about the people who missed out on eternity with Him because of your disobedience.
Are you afraid of what people will say if you were to truly live out your calling? Do you think your talent is not good enough? Are you afraid that you will lose followers on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook friends? None of that matters. The last revelation in the above Scripture is one of the most important lessons to learn: when God has given you a mission, seek clarification first from God, not men. Paul states he did not immediately "confer with flesh and blood" and this is important because sometimes people have the tendency to kill visions and dreams. Even when you know you've heard from God to do a specific work, people will be quick to remind you of your past and who you used to be. Do not allow the opinions of mere mortals to suppress your calling. Live and serve God knowing that your work and your words may travel further than you physically ever can. As scary as it may sound to hear God say someone missed heaven because of our disobedience, imagine how sweet and utterly gratifying it will be to hear God say someone accepted Jesus Christ as Lord because of our obedience. Launch out deeper for Christ. Serve Him with every gift, from your ability to sing, easiness in interacting with people, understanding of children, ability to cook, to your ability to listen, encourage, give godly counsel, or just being present/the gift of your time. Someone or nation is waiting for you to stop being ashamed and obey God! The gifts and callings of God are irrevocable (Romans11:29), but we must choose to operate in them.
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Today's Memory Verse: Colossians 3:23
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men"
so this is the best one yet. I love it! Thank you for opening yourself to God's calling.
ReplyDeleteAngie Ebere
To God be the glory! Thank you so much for reading, Angie! <3