Everyone comes to a point in their life when they stop and wonder how they got to where they are presently. For some, they wonder this in amazement because they know in their hearts that they have not made it this far in life without the grace of God. Others wonder with regret because somehow, with the course of time, they've found themselves at a position in life today where they thought they should've been 10 years ago, or shouldn't have been at all. Well, whether you are among the first set of people who are perfectly okay with where they are today, or you are with the second half who have hoped for a better today, just know that you are where you are supposed to be. The thoughts of God towards you are good.
Today in Sunday School I learned about avoiding covetousness. Covetousness is looking at what others have and desiring it for your self. It is a fruit off of the tree of discontentment and greed that has been planted in our heart by ourselves. We volunteering choose to take our eyes off of the many things that God has blessed us with and jealously wander over at our neighbor. We purposely start to compare ourselves, our looks, bank account, social status, wives/husbands/children, education, job, even the very number of people you have following you on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. When we do these things, we are coveting our friends and family and this is a sin before God. The Bible in the book of Exodus 20:17 says
" You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor"-(NLT)
You have to come to a realization that God's plans for your life are good plans irrespective of your present circumstance. God did not create you to be someone else nor desire what someone else has. Even when God blesses a family with twins or other multiple births, each child is unique. I opened this writing up with Psalm 139:17 which says " How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God! How great at the sum of them!". The interesting thing about this scripture is that right above it in Psalm 139:14 is the verse everyone knows which is, "I will praise You, for I am wonderfully and fearfully made; Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. " We are quick to spit out scriptures, but do we really believe God's Word? If you believe God's Words, have you gotten to the point where you believe God's Words for your life? David in Psalms spoke to God out of experience. He spoke with assurance that what God meant for him, was truly for him. He didn't say " How precious are Your thoughts towards them, O God", but he said towards me! When he praised God's marvelous works, he didn't say "my parents know very well or my friends know very well, but rather "my soul know very well". The time has come for you to personalized God's Word to your life. I've heard it being said that a person with a theory cannot overcome a person with an experience. This simply means that we may have a theory that God is good, but knowing out of experience that God is good is a conviction that the circumstances of life cannot shake.
So what does this all have to do with being where you are supposed to be? The answer to that question can be found in Psalm 139:16. It says, " Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be". Read that over to yourself. All the days that you will live on this earth, including this very day, were all written out in the Book of God before you took your first breath! God has already ordained you. He has already ordered your steps. He has strategically brought you to this moment in time, to fulfill His purpose, for His glory, even if we do not understand how and why we are where we are today. Take your eyes off of what everyone else is doing. Yes, it may appear everyone else is moving forward while God has you at a standpoint. Yes, someone who you started work before has gotten a promotion and you are still here. Yes, your mates are married with children. Yes, you find yourself on step one when everyone else has moved on to step two. Yes, the grass seems greener on the other side, but hear the Word of the Lord today,
"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, " Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."- Hebrews 13:5
The Lord has not forsaken you. Hold your head high and give thanks to God for what you have and where you find yourself, even if it's not what you expected. The same God that started a good work in you, He also will finish the work in His own time. What is left for you is to trust Him. A song by Sinach that I've been listening to all week says, " my faith reaches out to You. Lord I believe Your Word for me today. Lord I believe, I receive." Stretch your faith to God today and with that same faith, be content and praise Him right where you find yourself today. You are where you are supposed to be. Do NOT move faster than the pace God is taking you. Walk with God. God makes no mistakes so stop wondering, stop comparing, and start praising! May God give us all grace sufficient for today. Amen.
Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- Psalm 37:23
"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord; and He deligheth in his way"