For the last couple of weeks I've had the same Bible passage resonating in my heart:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths"- Proverbs 3:5-6. It's not an unfamiliar passage, but one that I've read many times and studied many times; however, God has been working hard lately in getting me
to let go of my future. We've all, at one point or the other, dreamt of what we envision our future to be. We've planned that if we go to school and study well, we'll get a job that pays well when we are done. Once we secure a good job, then we will settle down and not just get married, but get married to the perfect man/woman who will have very little flaws and love us unconditionally forever. After that, we'll save money now so that we'll have more than enough to live comfortably later on. Then we plan to have children/raise a family, travel, etc. etc.
Though these plans may vary from person-to-person, there's no doubt that we all have somewhat of a timeline attached to them. However,
what if God decides to interrupt your beautifully laid out plans and timeline? Interruptions that come from God may take the form of a delay, a reroute, a different look, a complete U-turn in the opposite direction you were heading, or a new mission altogether. As scary as it may sound, God can and often times will, interrupt your life. It is in these times that we must learn to trust God and let God have His way. It is easy and less scary to trust God's interruptions when you know the God you serve. If you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, a place that is unknown, or a path that is everything you did not pray for, realize that the Lord that interrupted your life, did so with a greater purpose in mind.
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