Three years ago I started blogging because I felt the urge to do so. At the time I had no idea how long I would be blogger or what will eventually become of my blog posts. As I write this I still do not know the answers to those initial questions. All I know is that this was what God was calling me to do. The only instruction I received was, "write only what I give you to say". Over the last three years I've seen the growth in my Christian faith as a result of blogging. I grew up spiritually because in order to know what God was telling me to share, I had to have first spent time in His presence. In essence, blogging has forced me to prioritize my walk with God. It would be very hypocritical of me to "preach" the Word of God on my blog yet live a life that is contrary to my posts; as a result, I am more sensitive to the things of God and the voice of God and for that I am grateful.
What if you didn't do what God has called you to do? This is such a scary question because
there are destinies attached to your obedience to God.
As I reflect back on my three years of operating this blog, I think about all the experiences I have gone through. I read the emails and comments from people who share with me how they stumbled upon a blog post that ministered to them at a crucial time in their life and I cannot believe that my little obedience to God encouraged someone whom I will probably never meet in person. In addition, at times I view where my blog is being accessed from and I think to myself, "I may never in this lifetime visit that country, yet my words have gone there." These awe moments made me to question, but what if I didn't start blogging? That is the same question that is upon my heart tonight.