So often we talk about faith and how much we trust God, but we really need to express this faith and trust. Hebrews 11:11 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen". This means that sometimes you just have to "walk on water", take a leap of faith, or just go knowing that the God you serve is there whether or not you can see Him or can feel Him. This level of faith is hard but God's word says that He will never leave us neither will He ever forsake us. His word is enough. God is not a human being who may say one thing and turn around to change His mind the next minute. He has sworn by His own name that His word will NEVER return back to Him void! What He has spoken must fulfill the purpose for which it was spoken. He cannot lie because that's against His righteous nature. He is not a respecter of persons so He does not care what society has deemed you as, what you think you are, or what social class you fall under. If God has spoken it, promised it, or declared it, TRUST that His word is enough! Take His words seriously and challenge Him with it when you face your difficulties. We serve a faithful God.
So When you've done ALL you can in regards to your health, marriage, education, future, etc. etc., when you've prayed, when you've cried, when you've been broken and all your strength seems to be gone.......after it all, just STAND. Hold your peace, and look up until the hills, from there comes your help. Take it to His throne of grace and mercy, drop it there, and STAND. It is in doing what we've deemed as "impossible" that the whole world can easily tell that it was GOD that made it possible. God will never share His glory. Therefore, in the midst of your hardships and storms, realize that these problems are just creating the setting for God to perform a miracle. Count it all joy!! Let God fight for you!
Stand by Donnie McClurkin
Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- Exodus 14:14
"The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace"
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