Friday, February 8, 2013

In You we live, and move and Have our Being

For a while I have been so busy and still am busy with school. Trying to graduate is no joke! Anyways, I have been reciting this verse for a couple of days now and wanted to share it with you all.

 Acts 17:28a
" For in Him we live and move and have our being" 

As we go about the business of life, it's important to stop and realize that it is Christ that gives us the grace to do all that we are doing. It is in Him that we live. Every breathe is a gift from Him. The grace to go out and come back in peace to the place we call home is the working of His grace. It is in Him that we move. The Bible says that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). He levels the uneven paths, makes straight the crooked roads and opens the doors to the paths that were closed off from us. It is in Him that we have our being. All that we are and can ever be, it is IN HIM, BECAUSE OF HIM!  I pray that we never lose sight of this. May we never be too tired to acknowledge Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 

As I live, I am constantly reminding myself to slow down sometimes, and just sit quietly in His presence. Below is an old song that I first heard during a service at my church in Austin, TX. I remember the day I heard this song. It was in the middle of a horrible week of classes, exams, and i was  falling apart. I felt so weak and so helpless but that Sunday I forced myself to get out of bed and went to church. I just needed to hear God say that it will be okay because everything in me was crying. As broken as I was, when I entered the service, I heard the Pastor say that that day's service was going to be different. He spoke how God spoke to him and told him that His people needed to rest. The lights in the service were low and the entire service was a peaceful worship service. Immediately, the choir sang this song and I broke down and cried right there in service. How awesome is this God that He would see all that I was going through and decide to give me peace? I cried throughout the entire song and felt the peace of God fall on me. My strength was renewed and I left church feeling so alive! What is the purpose of all this that i'm writing? The main point is to STOP and find rest in Jesus Christ. Allow Him to lead you and strengthen you. In Him you live, move, and have your being so do not try to do it on your own.  Don't get too busy that you forget the source of your strength. 

Take Rest in Me- Deitrick Haddon

Yorkamazing <3

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