Friday, September 28, 2012

Humble Me With Your Thorn

A thought just crossed my mind today that I thank God for. I see the hand of God moving in my favor everyday and I am beyond grateful knowing that the God of Heaven and Earth, knows my name and is concerned about my well-being. In the midst of the blessings, my heart keeps crying to God, not because I am sad, but because I pray not to ever feel independent of God. I don't want His blessings to make me think higher of myself that I start departing from Him. If the blessings will cause that, I would rather just have Him. It is so easy to get proud and feel like you can do it all on your own or that your success is a result of your hard work, when in reality all that we are and have are the doings of God's provision and grace. So today, my heart cried to God as always, that God should humble me in all things. Whatever it may take so that when tomorrow's success comes, I do not forget the Source of the success is what I pray God should do in my life. I want it all about Him, so when people see me, they will be seeing Him instead. What came to me was the life of Apostle Paul and how God humbled Him with a thorn in his flesh so I decided to study that scripture.

"And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong."- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

When I read this it ministered deeply to me that God will not share His glory and if you want to be used for God, you have to be okay with not being seen. If what you want is the spotlight, the fame, and the adoration from people, then you are not ready to be used by God. God uses the powerless to demonstrates His power. It evens says in 1 Corinthians 1:27 that "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." Apostle Paul first asked for the thorn to be removed but realized that it was strategically placed there by God so that he may remain humble and thus remain a useful vessel in God's hands! God's strength is made perfect in our weakness and so like Apostle Paul, I will take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecution, in distresses, for Christ's sake for when I am weak, then I am strong! God heard my cry and desire to remain dependent on Him at all times, to need Him always. I know the thorns in my flesh and I thank God for them because they are there to keep me humble. I wouldn't want it any other way because this life of mine, must give Him glory! So thank God for your thorns! Your humbleness allows Him to use you! And isn't it a wonderful thing to know that The same God that humbles you, shall exalt you in due season!!?? (1Peter5:6) Amazing!

Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- John 3:30
"He must increase, But I must decrease"

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Weight loss Journey Video!! (One year, 50.6 pounds Lost)

I kept record of my progress through the scale, measuring tape, and pictures! I also decided to make a video to show my progression and the goal was to release the video when it was completed. Well....IT'S DONE! :) To God be the glory! Thank you Jesus for the strength!

Yorkamazing <3
Phil 4:13-" I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me!"

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Notes from Sunday Service-Confirmation!

I wrote a post on Tuesday What Do You Do When You've Done All You Can? because I am in the middle of truly trusting God for the direction of my life. While writing the post, God just kept telling me  to trust His word. I keep hearing "Have faith, Trust Me, I've promised you. My Word is sure, etc etc". It's hard because sometimes you just wish you could do it but God has better ways of doing it. I Thank God because today's message at church was just confirmation of all He's been telling me. I will have greater faith! I will trust God's plan for me and praise him through it all!

Sunday September 23, 2012
Topic: Greater Faith-Stop Laughing
Text: Genesis 18:1-15

What we find to be funny can be an indicator of our faith. 

-There is one area in your life where you might be laughing because you find it hard to believe that God's promise in that area will actually happen.

- The very thing that we laugh at is the very thing that God wants to do most in our life. Ex: Sarah is laughing at what will profoundly define her life, her purpose 

-laughing is overrated. God wants to do something else in your life that requires more of God and less of me 

Stop laughing because.....

1. God's word is sure (v.10)
God didn't say "i'm thinking about coming back" but He said " I will surely return this time next year!"
-God has no need to exaggerate His word so when He gives He's word, that word is sure!! 
- Question:
Do you believe ALL of the Word of God? Or do you just believe parts of it because you think part of it is too big for you?
- Evaluate everything by aligning it with the Word of God! Read what God says and pray for the POWER to execute it! 
- You may not understand all of God's word, but because you know God the Father, you can trust that all God says is true!

2. God's timing is strategic (v.12)
waiting often times weakens our faith, but God's resolve has not been weakened.
- You begin to understand where you are in faith, until your mood changes but God does not rule based on our emotions.
-even if it's out of season, I'm the kind of God that will give you an April blessing in October. It's never late with God. Your dreams are still in place, your goals are still doable.
Why does God have me waiting so long?
-For HIS GLORY!! When God answers prayers, He considers what will ultimately give Him the most glory, what will increase His influence in your life?How answering of the prayer will impact your whole life and the life of those that love you and know you. How saying YES to you will impact your friends, co-workers, everyone. 
-By waiting, God is sticking to the plan. He sees what we cannot see. He has to make your past and future come together. 
-All of the experiences we go through, the people in our life, is the perfect preparation for the future we cannot see!

3. God's power is sufficient (v14)
Don't focus on your ability, but focus on God's competence. Your ability cannot take your far but if you say "God whatever is Your will, let it be done"
Is there anything too hard for God? 
The same God that put blue in the sky, the God that spins planets, holds stars, Is there anything too hard for Him? Our God can do anything! 
- Though they laughed, God blessed them anyway. Because they laughed, God told them to name the son Isaac which means laughter. God got the last laugh.


'I know the plans I have for You, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plants to give you a hope and a future"- God

"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, theLord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."- Isaiah 40:28-31

Yorkamazing <3

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Song for You--- Nicole C. Mlullen

It's pretty obvious that I love Nicole C. Mullen! Her songs feel like i'm the one that wrote it! I just bought two of her CD's today. Here's one of my favorites from her CD tittled Captivated. It speaks from the deepest part of my heart to God. I cannot put in words how it touches me. "If you want to hear it, I'll sing from my spirit!"- A song for You Jesus!

A Song For You by Nicole C. Mullen
Yorkamazing <3

"A Song For You"

No matter if the crowds are gone curtains drawn if no one knows my name and if I’m forgotten by the whole world wide

I will tell you, what I do,
as long as there is, still one breath in me there always will be, one more song for you
like no one is listening we down to just the two,if you want to hear it, I will sing it from my spirit for you;
eh, eh, For you oh..yeah, yeah,

Cause whether I’m rich or poor, young or old, infamous or faint and whether I’m in distress, over blessed
I’ll love you and I’ll serve you as long as they is still one breath in me they’ll always will be one song for youlike no one is listening we down to just the two,
if you want to hear it, I will sing it from my spirit for you;

Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia

as long as there is, still one breath in me there always will be, one more song for you
like no one listening we down to just the two, if you want to hear it, I will sing it from my spirit for you;
eh, eh, For you oh..yeah, yeah,

Alleluia, alleluia
Alleluia, alleluia

Jesus, for you, for you!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Do You Do When You've done All You can?

So often we talk about faith and how much we trust God, but we really need to express this faith and trust. Hebrews 11:11 tells us that "faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things not seen". This means that sometimes you just have to "walk on water", take a leap of faith, or just go knowing that the God you serve is there whether or not you can see Him or can feel Him. This level of faith is hard but God's word says that He will never leave us neither will He ever forsake us. His word is enough. God is not a human being who may say one thing and turn around to change His mind the next minute. He has sworn by His own name that His word will NEVER return back to Him void! What He has spoken must fulfill the purpose for which it was spoken. He cannot lie because that's against His righteous nature.  He is not a respecter of persons so He does not care what society has deemed you as, what you think you are, or what social class you fall under. If God has spoken it, promised it, or declared it, TRUST that His word is enough! Take His words seriously and challenge Him with it when you face your difficulties. We serve a faithful God.

So When you've done ALL you can in regards to your health, marriage, education, future, etc. etc., when you've prayed, when you've cried, when you've been broken and all your strength seems to be gone.......after it all, just STAND. Hold your peace, and look up until the hills, from there comes your help. Take it to His throne of grace and mercy, drop it there, and STAND.  It is in doing what we've deemed as "impossible" that the whole world can easily tell that it was GOD that made it possible. God will never share His glory. Therefore, in the midst of your hardships and storms, realize that these problems are just creating the setting for God to perform a miracle. Count it all joy!! Let God fight for you!

Stand by Donnie McClurkin

Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- Exodus 14:14

"The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace"

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Chemist in Me

On days like tonight, I have my analytical chemistry lab from 7pm-10pm and today was the first day of actually doing lab. I can say I really enjoyed it. For the first time I felt like a chemist. I've always told myself that what I wanted to be in life if I wasn't aiming for pharmacy, is to be a forensic chemist like the ones on CSI, First 48, and Investigation Discovery. I love that type of chemistry where you use just a tiny sample of material to determine everything from concentration of the product to even narrowing it down to figure out the manufacturer, or even the time of consumption because of the left over traces in the sample. Anyways, I know it was only the first lab and it will definitely get harder, but at least I love what I'm doing. I love my senior level major classes because they give me the confirmation that I am studying the right thing and in the right field in life. I can't help but thank God for directing my steps to where I am now. I am a chemist...well it'll be official May 2013 :)

Yorkamazing <3 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Study With Me: Week 4

Psalm 3: 5-6

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

The word of God sounds so simple, but carrying it out requires His grace. Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart, not part of it. Neither does it mean trust only when you understand what is going on. I am seeing more and more how trust and faith are related, like siblings. Some times I forget to trust God and I rely on my little so called "strength" and understanding when all He is asking is for me to simply just  trust Him and allow Him to direct the path on which I travel. I will trust the Lord and His plans for me. I will command my soul to be still, and wait on His directions for I know that what God has, is far more excellent, than the little my imagination can fathom. Grant me the grace to remember this always Jesus. Amen.

Yorkamazing <3

My 1 Year Weight lost Progress!!! Before and After

TODAY IS SEPTEMBER 16, 2012!! I cannot believe it! On September 16, 2011, my entire mindset changed with respect to health and my body. I was desperate to take back the control of my body and something just clicked in my head that day that I cannot explain. I was at my friend's birthday dinner and though I was very happy, I felt miserable in my own skin. I spent the whole day thinking about the times I was a dancer, a gymnast, a volleyball player, All Round Woman Athlete of the Year, and simply just how active I used to be. But that night, all of that had long changed. I had allow college to over-stress me and instead of gaining control in a positive way, I resorted to unconsciously eating and sleeping during the times I was not studying or in lab. Slowly the weight added on, and while I was in denial at first, I slowly began to realize it. The day of my friend's birthday dinner, I remember going shopping to buy shorts to wear, and nothing fitted until I tried on 1X khaki. I couldn't believe it. I ended up buying the 1X but that night, while at the dinner, I knew that day was going to be the end of this unhealthy lifestyle I've adopted over 2.5 years. Immediately I got home, I went to work cleaning out my fridge and the next day I woke up bright and early and spent 2 hours at the gym( morning and evening). I have spent everyday since then  eating well, and working out and now IT'S BEEN ONE YEAR and I've reached my goal!


Starting weight: 191.4 pounds
Ending Weight: 140.8 pounds
Total weight lost : - 50.6 POUNDS!


Waist:  ~ (-12 inches) 
Thigh: ~ (-9 inches)
Hips: ~ (- 8.5 inches)
Arm: ~ (-4 inches)
Shirt Size: From a 1X to a small 
Jeans: From size 14/15 to size 5/6 (- 9/10 sizes)
Pants: From size 13 to size 3 (- 10 sizes)
Dress: From size 13 to size 5/7 ( - 8/6 sizes)
Shoe size: From 8.5 to 7 (-1.5 sizes)
Ring size: From size 9 to size 7

Left: 9/16/11 (191.4lbs )     Right: 9/16/12 (140.8lbs)
Left: September 16, 2011 (191.4lbs)      Right: September16, 2012 (140.8lbs)
September 16, 2012! ONE YEAR! DOWN 50.6 POUNDS!
My former size 15 jeans......BYE BYE! hello size 4 and 6 jeans!!
I give ALL glory to God who gave me the courage to make the  lifestyle change, the wisdom to learn how to go about it in a 100% healthy way, no short-cuts, and the grace to stick to it for this long! Thank You Jesus for the strength! I hope that I can stand here as a source of inspiration to whoever might read this that you really can do it! Take it one day at a time, one pound at a time, and everything will eventually add up! I'm living proof of this! Get healthy and fit....FOR YOU! I am a full time senior in college taking up to 17 hours a semester and living primarily in chemistry labs, but found one hour a day to squeeze in a workout! If you want it, there's no excuse that is valid enough! Just like that a year has gone, and I could've found myself September 16, 2012 either still at 191.4 pounds or heavier, but that ONE decision has completely changed my life. If you find yourself in the same position I was, make your decision for a healthier you....NOW! There's no need to wait for New Year 2013 to start! Start now and God will help you through if you ask Him!

Watch the video here!
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Yorkamazing <3
T.MV.-Philippians  4: 13
"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Recipe: Ogoni (Nigerian) Style Potato Porridge


I just learned and made my Mom's famous potato porridge and it was absolutely delicious! I couldn't be more proud of myself and I cannot wait until the next time I make it again.

To make, you will need : chicken, ripped plantains, potatoes, pepper, onions, maggie, salt, and palm oil
***You can also add bitterleaf or any other seasonings you like. The dish is very flexible so feel free to add your own personal touches***

Below are some pictures of the steps :)

Start with an empty pot

Add your chopped potatoes

Add 2 cubes of a maggie, half size regular onions, salt, and pepper

Add the plantains 
Steam chicken with onions, peppers, salt, and maggie then separate the chicken broth

Add the de-boned chicken and chicken broth 

Cover the pot and allow it to cook 45minutes to 1 Hour or until Potatoes are soft

Stir to mash the potatoes and plantains then Add Palm Oil

Stir Until Color is Even

Let it cool and enjoy!!
Check out the rest of the blogs for more post! Comment, Contact and share!

Click here: Nigerian Meat Pie Recipe :)

Pending Recipes-->Want recipes for soups and other things? Let me know!

Yorkamazing <3
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Me and the Homeless Man

During the summer, I went to go throw away my trash. Without thinking about it, I reached the trashcan and just threw my trash in like I've done many times before, but this time, something was different. As my trash enter the bin, it landed upon the back of a Caucasian middle-aged man that was inside digging through the trash to find anything he can scrap up. My heart was immediately broken! At that very instant I felt so low that I cannot possibly express in words. I immediately began to beg the man and apologize because my act was not intentional at all, but the man in return kept telling me that it was okay and that it has happened before.i felt like crying. How can there be people in this world who are used to having trash dumped on them? I rushed into my apartment to find food and money for the man, but upon returning, he was gone. I drove around searching for him to really express my sincere apologies and to hand him the little I had but I couldn't find him anymore. I never forgot him and my mind would race back to him every time I saw a homeless person.

Well today, I was in bed attempting to take a nap before studying but for some reason, I just couldn't sleep. As a result I woke up and decided to go take out the trash. At the trash location, I noticed this same man from my summer incident and immediately approached him to apologize once more and then I asked him to wait for me. He assured me that he would so I went in to my place and got money and handed it to him expressing my sorrow and asking him to take care of himself. When he realized the amount, he couldn't believe it and just kept saying "thank you sis!". He then proceeded to give me a hug but first asked my permission and stating the fact that he has taken a shower today so we hugged and he went on his way still turning back every few seconds to say "thank you sister!" and smiling!

When I walked back to my place, the song that came to my head was "If We are the Body" by Casting Crowns. I believe that my steps are ordered by God. There are specific places He directs me to be at a specific time for a particular miracle/blessing/revelation. This was one of those ordering of steps. I do not share this story to brag and have people think that I am some angel. I share it because it's been placed on my heart to do so. We are the hands and feet of Christ. The world sees and feels the Love of Christ through us. The experiences people have with those that don't know Christ should be different when they encounter us followers of Jesus. The man told me during the summer that he experiences trash being dumped on him all the time and my heart was determined to make sure that this time, he will know that there's a difference between me and those other experiences, and that difference is Christ. The word of God says

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."- Matthew 5:16 

Let God be glorified through the works of our hands. As our light shines, people should be quick to realize that we are indeed children of God. I do not know the future of that man, but I do know that as he has said " I will never forget you", a seed has been planted in his life, however small and God will water that seed to grow in him. We may say we love, but we should be prepare to demonstrate the Love of God through action.

Casting Crowns- If We are the Body

Yorkamazing <3
(T.M.V)- 1 John 4:7

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God "

Monday, September 3, 2012

New Workout: Ripped in 30 Days Jillian Michaels

So I've conquered Insanity and now I want to keep my fitness journey moving by completing Jillian Michaels's Ripped In 30 Days. The DVD consists of 4 weeks of 24 minutes workouts ranging from level 1 during week one to level 4 during week 4. Each workout is to be done 6 days a week and I am up for the challenge. I've lost 50 pounds thus far since starting my journey to better health in October of 2011. I'm at a point now where I've lost the weight and only desire to tone up and build strength. Any further weight lost will just be as a result of muscle training. My goal is to be as toned as possible without looking "manly'. Yesterday, I decided to go running around campus again and this time I ran for about 45 minutes without stopping. I felt so great! My cardio and endurance has definitely increased after completing Insanity and dropping all the weight since starting. I want to sign up for a 5K. I feel like I can do it. The way I controlled my breathing and was so relaxed during my evening run truly impressed me. I cannot believe that in less than a year, I've been able to accomplish all of this! I thank God for helping me realize I needed to make the lifestyle changes and also for upholding me throughout. I've just been going one day at a time, one pound at a time and slowly but surely, everything is just adding up. It's amazing! This time last year I was miserable shopping for school clothes. Now, I am having to hide my credit card from myself to ensure I don't over spend on shopping because every time I try something on that's a size I would NEVER try on a year ago, and it fits, It's like Christmas!! That feeling is amazing! Well here is to my next 30 days of getting tone! I can do this!
New Challenge
Yorkamazing <3

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Great Intercessor

Today, my spirit was very quiet and as a result, my physical self, was quiet. I went through the day barely speaking and barely responsive to what was said to me. I used to wonder, why is it that my spirit will just decide to be quiet but days like these make me realize that while I am flesh and while I may not understand the things of the spiritual world, the real me, is a spirit. While pondering on what to blog, it was dropped in my heart that the Spirit of God makes intersessions on our behalf. It says in the Word of God

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered"- Romans8:26 

There are so many things that happen in the spirit world before it is made manifested in the physical. We are not left alone to fend for ourselves. Even in the situations where we ourselves don't know how to pray, the Spirit of God prays for us with groanings which cannot be expressed in words. I was made to understand that days like these, are special days because my spirit has been made aware of something that my physical has yet to comprehend. I've started seeing days like this as periods where God is sitting me on the sidelines, away from the battle, and taking my problems on all by Himself. Like a Father who would rather cover his child and be the one hit with a bullet, is how I view God on these days. I just know He is looking out for me and doesn't need my help even in regards to praying. He has completely taken on everything and my spirit is left quiet, in awe of His might.  No matter what we face, our great Intercessor constantly pleads for us and while I may not yet physically see what has happened, I thank God for always being there. What a great way to be introduced into this new month. Be still, and know that God is in control! "Be still", says the Lord.
I won't be Afraid by Ashmont Hill

Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V -Exodus 14:14

"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace"