Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Best Came Last

"Saving the best for last".
"Good things come to those that wait."
"Last, but not the least."

I am sure you've heard those phrases before, but have you ever wondered where they originated from? I must admit that I personally have not thought about it until recently when these phrases kept repeating themselves in my heart. There are times in our lives when God just wants us to know that He is saving the best for last. If God has the power to do all things at any moment He desires, why then does He wait until it almost becomes too late before He releases His best? The answer is that there are certain things that must first align themselves, before God releases His best. These things include the condition of your heart, your obedience to God, and God's perfect timing. All of these principles are illustrated perfectly in John Chapter two at the wedding where Jesus performed His first miracle.

"Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine". And Jesus said to her, " Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it".- John 2: 2-5

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Girl Talk #4: Become The Love You Seek

Today is the last blog post in the Girl Talk series that I started four Saturdays ago. The first week dealt with how to become The Ms. Independent Christian Woman, week two talked about Cleaning Out the Friend's List, and last week I discussed the importance of having a good name and legacy in the post Remember My Name. Before now I did not feel the need to touch one of the most talked about subject to women, which is the subject of love; however, love matters. Whether we are talking about love between family members, friends, or spouses, somehow that idea of what love really is has been diluted and lost in this generation. How is it that the one thing everyone seeks for and desires the most is also the one thing that is misunderstood the most? We have become a hurting and lonely generation because we are searching for something we have NOT yet become. Love, as you've probably heard many times, is not a feeling. Love is the conscious decision to become someone who not only looks past the imperfections of the object of your love, but then extends grace to that someone by treating them as though they are perfect and deserving of your affection. We can agree that that is the definition of love because that's exactly what God has done for us and the Word of God lets us know that God IS love(1 John 4:8). The Father decided to look past all of our sins and send His Only Begotten Son to die a death He did not deserve just to redeem us back to Himself. He then went further by allowing us to have a relationship with Him wherein He showers us with new mercies and tender kindness each day.No one is deserving of such a gesture, yet the Lord did it. As a result, God is in a position where He can ask us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, strength and mind (Luke 10:27) because He has freely given us the exact thing He is asking from us. The Bible tells us that we love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). God become love first and that is why it is easy for us to reciprocate that love. In the same way, we ourselves must first become love before we can give love and before we can know for certainty that what we are being offered from others is in fact, love. So, let's become love.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition8

Hi beautiful people! It's a new month and a new Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry post! Today I'm sharing an outfit I recently wore to church. The vision of P31WM is to encourage women to honor God in the spirit and in the flesh. The Bible says we are wonderfully and fearfully made and part of actualizing this is to ensure that our physical representation of ourselves does not contradict the Word of God. I hope that as you walk on your journey that you will be encouraged in knowing that you have many sisters in Christ Jesus who are cheering for you and also receiving encouragement from you.  Continue to see where similar pieces can be purchased from.