When a semester in school ends, I pack my bags and I joyfully head to Houston to my parent's house. There is no question in my mind if there will be food for me to eat when I get home neither am I bothered about where I will sleep because I know that I have a room in my father's house. I know that there's a place in the house specifically left untouched in anticipation of my arrival. It has already been established and known by all that that's FeeFe's room and so when I arrive at home, I take my bags into my room and settle in. While I have an earthly father who has a room for me in his house, I also have a Heavenly Father who has a house. The question then remains this: Is there room for me in heaven? Is heaven preparing a space specifically in anticipation of my arrival? Is heaven even anticipating my arrival? These are the questions that the Lord has on my heart. The years we live on earth are all important, the careers we are working so hard at are good, the dreams and relationships we desire are also good things, but eternity is waiting for everyone. Where will you be spending it? In the Holy Word of God, Jesus said,
"In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also"-John 14:2-3
In the Greek translation, the word mansions is monḗ which means "dwelling place" or "room". Jesus has promised that He is going back to the Father's house to create a room for His children so that we may live with Him for all of eternity. This means we must belong to the family of God in order to live with the Father. Jesus went on to declare, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" and this declaration shows that the only way to know with full confidence that there will be room for us in Heaven is if we are walking and working with Christ Jesus. Have you done anything to deserve a room in the Father's house? Better still, are you even His child?
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition10
Happy New Month, lovelies! As always I am excited to share the 10th edition of Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry. The importance of these posts was magnified over the last few days by the controversy that surrounded the statement of NBA superstar Steph Curry's wife, Ayesha Curry. What was the "atrocious" statement that causes such an uproar? Read it below.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
3 Reasons To Be Thankful
Thanksgiving is a time for one to stop and reflect on the goodness of God and to offer unto the Lord the sacrifices of praise from our lips and hearts for all that He has done. There are times when it is very easy to thank God. When we obtain a new car/home/luxury item, are promoted at work, gain admission into a top university or program, expand our families with the birth of a child, or an engagement, the natural human reaction is to rejoice and exclaim, "Thank God!"; however, many people may be experiencing this Thanksgiving season with a broken heart and finding a reason to be thankful may be very hard. In moments like these we must pause and encourage ourselves with the Word of God and find reasons to be thankful. We have been given the power to govern our emotions therefore we must choose to be thankful in spite of the cards this year has dealt us. If you are finding it hard to be thankful this season, here are three sure reasons to give God thanks.
1. You Are Still Here!
1. You Are Still Here!
"Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul would soon have settled in silence."-Psalm 94:17"
What you have gone through may have destroyed other people but by the special grace of God, you are still standing! God has been faithful even right there in the midst of your trials and His mercy has kept you to see today. The mere fact that you are still here means God has a plan and there is still hope! Rejoice in the hope that we have in Christ Jesus.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry_ Edition9
Hello, beautiful people! It's another Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry post and I am so excited because I have a special guest today for the November feature! Today's guest of honor is the lovely Ms. Angela Ihenacho. Angela is a college student majoring in nursing and she's from Houston, Texas. She is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ and her hobbies include reading and being around God-fearing people. She loves the outdoors and loves participating in sports. Today, she not only shared her take on modesty, but also left an encouraging message for her fellow sisters in Christ. Check out the rest of the post to read more and be encourage!
Thursday, October 29, 2015
The Best Came Last
"Saving the best for last".
"Good things come to those that wait."
"Last, but not the least."
I am sure you've heard those phrases before, but have you ever wondered where they originated from? I must admit that I personally have not thought about it until recently when these phrases kept repeating themselves in my heart. There are times in our lives when God just wants us to know that He is saving the best for last. If God has the power to do all things at any moment He desires, why then does He wait until it almost becomes too late before He releases His best? The answer is that there are certain things that must first align themselves, before God releases His best. These things include the condition of your heart, your obedience to God, and God's perfect timing. All of these principles are illustrated perfectly in John Chapter two at the wedding where Jesus performed His first miracle.
"Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine". And Jesus said to her, " Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it".- John 2: 2-5
"Good things come to those that wait."
"Last, but not the least."
I am sure you've heard those phrases before, but have you ever wondered where they originated from? I must admit that I personally have not thought about it until recently when these phrases kept repeating themselves in my heart. There are times in our lives when God just wants us to know that He is saving the best for last. If God has the power to do all things at any moment He desires, why then does He wait until it almost becomes too late before He releases His best? The answer is that there are certain things that must first align themselves, before God releases His best. These things include the condition of your heart, your obedience to God, and God's perfect timing. All of these principles are illustrated perfectly in John Chapter two at the wedding where Jesus performed His first miracle.
"Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine". And Jesus said to her, " Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come. His mother said to the servants, "Whatever He says to you, do it".- John 2: 2-5
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Girl Talk #4: Become The Love You Seek
Today is the last blog post in the Girl Talk series that I started four Saturdays ago. The first week dealt with how to become The Ms. Independent Christian Woman, week two talked about Cleaning Out the Friend's List, and last week I discussed the importance of having a good name and legacy in the post Remember My Name. Before now I did not feel the need to touch one of the most talked about subject to women, which is the subject of love; however, love matters. Whether we are talking about love between family members, friends, or spouses, somehow that idea of what love really is has been diluted and lost in this generation. How is it that the one thing everyone seeks for and desires the most is also the one thing that is misunderstood the most? We have become a hurting and lonely generation because we are searching for something we have NOT yet become. Love, as you've probably heard many times, is not a feeling. Love is the conscious decision to become someone who not only looks past the imperfections of the object of your love, but then extends grace to that someone by treating them as though they are perfect and deserving of your affection. We can agree that that is the definition of love because that's exactly what God has done for us and the Word of God lets us know that God IS love(1 John 4:8). The Father decided to look past all of our sins and send His Only Begotten Son to die a death He did not deserve just to redeem us back to Himself. He then went further by allowing us to have a relationship with Him wherein He showers us with new mercies and tender kindness each day.No one is deserving of such a gesture, yet the Lord did it. As a result, God is in a position where He can ask us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, strength and mind (Luke 10:27) because He has freely given us the exact thing He is asking from us. The Bible tells us that we love Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). God become love first and that is why it is easy for us to reciprocate that love. In the same way, we ourselves must first become love before we can give love and before we can know for certainty that what we are being offered from others is in fact, love. So, let's become love.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition8
Hi beautiful people! It's a new month and a new Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry post! Today I'm sharing an outfit I recently wore to church. The vision of P31WM is to encourage women to honor God in the spirit and in the flesh. The Bible says we are wonderfully and fearfully made and part of actualizing this is to ensure that our physical representation of ourselves does not contradict the Word of God. I hope that as you walk on your journey that you will be encouraged in knowing that you have many sisters in Christ Jesus who are cheering for you and also receiving encouragement from you. Continue to see where similar pieces can be purchased from.
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Girl Talk #3: Remember My Name
Two saturdays ago I started the Girl Talk series which focuses on areas of a young woman's life that I feel are often overlooked. The first week I talked about being the Ms. Independent Christian Woman and last week I discussed the issue of Cleaning Out the Friend's List. (You can click on each link to catch up on the series). Today I want to discuss the importance of having a legacy and a good name. The Bible tells us that, " a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold."( Proverbs 22:1) Whether we acknowledge it or not, every day we live is another page added to the autobiography that we are writing about our lives and every birthday is like another chapter in this book. The question is, "when you are done writing your autobiography, will it be worth reading?". More importantly, will God want to publish your autobiography? The Holy Bible contains amazing biographies of many great women, but two women have a Book named after them: Ruth and Esther. When you study both women and both books, you find out that these ladies were radical for the things of God. Ruth, even after the death of her husband, disregarded tradition, forsook her gods, and boldly told Naomi, "Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me." ( Ruth 1:17). When Esther realized what was about to become of her people, she asked her people and servants to fast and pray then she stood on faith and boldy declared, " And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!" (Esther 4:16). Both women were willing to do the unthinkable and venture into unknown places solely based on their trust in the God of Israel. How do we become these women? What are the things we should be doing now to ensure our names are not only remembered, but remembered for good?
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Girl Talk #2: Cleaning Out the Friend's List
Last Saturday I started a series called "Girl Talk" in which I will be discussing some of the issues I see young women facing. The first blog of the series, The Ms. Independent Christian Woman, dealt with the need for Christian women to start young in building up themselves spiritually and in every other aspect of life. Today as I was preparing for this blog on friendship, I remembered that I have this analogy where I always compare my life to a house in which the different rooms of this "house" represents different stages of friendship. This analogy may seem a bit strange, but it is actually Biblical. To explain further, the Holy Word of God says,
" The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands"-Proverbs 14:1
Simply put, the Word of the Lord is saying that if I, as a woman, desire to be wise, then the things I do with my hands should be things that generate growth and progress in my house; however, if I am a foolish woman, the things I do with my hands will tear down or pull down my house. To establish the fact that the word "house" can refer to both the physical house and to our lives we have to remember that we were told that we are the temple of the Lord and that the Spirit of God dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16) meaning we carry the very presence of the Lord with us as we live daily. If the Spirit of the Most High God dwells in us, the question that naturally follows to me is, "Who else is dwelling in us"? This is where my analogy of my life being a house and the different rooms in that house representing the different levels of friendship comes into play. When it comes to cleaning our our lives and our friendship list, we must first establish the standards for each room of our houses so that we know what belongs and what God is asking us to release. In a typical house you have the front porch or front door, the general living home, a kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and a master bedroom.
" The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands"-Proverbs 14:1
Simply put, the Word of the Lord is saying that if I, as a woman, desire to be wise, then the things I do with my hands should be things that generate growth and progress in my house; however, if I am a foolish woman, the things I do with my hands will tear down or pull down my house. To establish the fact that the word "house" can refer to both the physical house and to our lives we have to remember that we were told that we are the temple of the Lord and that the Spirit of God dwells in us (1 Corinthians 3:16) meaning we carry the very presence of the Lord with us as we live daily. If the Spirit of the Most High God dwells in us, the question that naturally follows to me is, "Who else is dwelling in us"? This is where my analogy of my life being a house and the different rooms in that house representing the different levels of friendship comes into play. When it comes to cleaning our our lives and our friendship list, we must first establish the standards for each room of our houses so that we know what belongs and what God is asking us to release. In a typical house you have the front porch or front door, the general living home, a kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, and a master bedroom.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Girl Talk #1: The Ms. Independent Christian Woman
Today I am starting a series called "Girl Talk". For the next 4 saturdays I will be blogging about different issues that I see young ladies facing. The idea of these posts came to me after I noticed that over 50 percent of my readers are women who fall between the ages of 18-35 years old. This is the age range where majority of the important decisions we will make in life will occur. As someone who is also in that age range, I am in constant prayer to God asking Him for directions on how to navigate this period of my life. The first thing that God has laid in my heart to share is that we must not waste time. One of the most dangerous thing we can do is to forget the essence of time. We know that the Bible says that there's a season for everything and a time for every purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1), so what time is it in your life? If you do not have an answer to that question, then you are wasting time and falling into the trap of the devil called unfulfillment. The devil does not mind you living as long as your are not living the life God meant for you! This trap has already been revealed in the Word of God.
"Rejoice, O young [wo]man in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgement." - Ecclesiastes 11:9
As you can see, the devil disguised unfulfillment under the covering of fun and carefreeness. Deception says," follow your heart and do whatever looks good in your eyes because you are too young to be so serious with life!", while the voice of Truth is screaming, " My daughter, the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked", (Jeremiah 17:9). The voice we choose to listen to reveals who we belong to. The Word of God says that we are a slave to whatever overcomes us (2 Peter 2:19) therefore if we are overcomed by our our eyes and our heart, then we are slaves to the flesh. No one who walks in the flesh can please the Lord so God has called us to walk in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. God has called us all to be Independent Women! As a daughter of the Most High God, you have a purpose that is beyond you and God has given you all the tools you need to exercise your independence in every area of your life starting now! Two main areas to start being independent in is in your walk with God and in your ambitions.
"Rejoice, O young [wo]man in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth; Walk in the ways of your heart, and in the sight of your eyes; But know that for all these God will bring you into judgement." - Ecclesiastes 11:9
As you can see, the devil disguised unfulfillment under the covering of fun and carefreeness. Deception says," follow your heart and do whatever looks good in your eyes because you are too young to be so serious with life!", while the voice of Truth is screaming, " My daughter, the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked", (Jeremiah 17:9). The voice we choose to listen to reveals who we belong to. The Word of God says that we are a slave to whatever overcomes us (2 Peter 2:19) therefore if we are overcomed by our our eyes and our heart, then we are slaves to the flesh. No one who walks in the flesh can please the Lord so God has called us to walk in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. God has called us all to be Independent Women! As a daughter of the Most High God, you have a purpose that is beyond you and God has given you all the tools you need to exercise your independence in every area of your life starting now! Two main areas to start being independent in is in your walk with God and in your ambitions.
Friday, August 28, 2015
But What If You Didn't...?

As I reflect back on my three years of operating this blog, I think about all the experiences I have gone through. I read the emails and comments from people who share with me how they stumbled upon a blog post that ministered to them at a crucial time in their life and I cannot believe that my little obedience to God encouraged someone whom I will probably never meet in person. In addition, at times I view where my blog is being accessed from and I think to myself, "I may never in this lifetime visit that country, yet my words have gone there." These awe moments made me to question, but what if I didn't start blogging? That is the same question that is upon my heart tonight.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Praying for My Unborn Child(ren)
Disclaimer: I am not married therefore I am not expecting a child. I just wanted to make that clear because of the tittle of this blog. Don't get any ideas, people! Now that that's out of the way, if you
are still interested, please continue to read the blog. :)
In the last couple of weeks I've had experiences that have left me feeling troubled in my spirit and both experience involved children. In my first experience, I went to a WalMart to buy scrubs for the intravenous admixtures class I was taking. While I was sorting through the scrubs to find my size I heard the voice of a woman screaming and cursing at a boy that appeared to be about 8 years old. She walked without caring if the child was keeping up with her. When she realized the boy was not walking fast enough, she turned around and verbally insulted this child. I watched as this poor baby hurriedly ran past me with tears in his eyes as he tried to catch up to the woman I am assuming is his mother. I had no idea who this woman was, but I felt like crying for the sake of the boy. A few days after this experience I was parking my car when a mother and 4 children between the ages of 3 and 10 walked up the car parked besides my car. The mother was on the phone and every other word that came out of her mouth was vulgar. She then directed her anger from her phone call to her children. As I walked away I could hear her calling her daughters derogatory names and I could see the fear in their faces. Once again a part of my heart cried. I cried in both instances because I knew that what I witnessed in both experiences were not isolated events. I cried because I knew these children were innocent and precious before God, yet their parents will probably never let them know. Around the time these experiences occurred, I was finishing up my study of the book of Ephesians and that's where God taught me the importance of the parent-child relationship.
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In the last couple of weeks I've had experiences that have left me feeling troubled in my spirit and both experience involved children. In my first experience, I went to a WalMart to buy scrubs for the intravenous admixtures class I was taking. While I was sorting through the scrubs to find my size I heard the voice of a woman screaming and cursing at a boy that appeared to be about 8 years old. She walked without caring if the child was keeping up with her. When she realized the boy was not walking fast enough, she turned around and verbally insulted this child. I watched as this poor baby hurriedly ran past me with tears in his eyes as he tried to catch up to the woman I am assuming is his mother. I had no idea who this woman was, but I felt like crying for the sake of the boy. A few days after this experience I was parking my car when a mother and 4 children between the ages of 3 and 10 walked up the car parked besides my car. The mother was on the phone and every other word that came out of her mouth was vulgar. She then directed her anger from her phone call to her children. As I walked away I could hear her calling her daughters derogatory names and I could see the fear in their faces. Once again a part of my heart cried. I cried in both instances because I knew that what I witnessed in both experiences were not isolated events. I cried because I knew these children were innocent and precious before God, yet their parents will probably never let them know. Around the time these experiences occurred, I was finishing up my study of the book of Ephesians and that's where God taught me the importance of the parent-child relationship.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition7
Welcome to the 7th edition of Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry! Our motto here at P31-WM is "clothed with strength and dignity" (Proverbs31:25b). Today I am sharing another outfit I wore to church this month. As Christian women, it is so important for us not to neglect the physical aspect of our spiritual walk. As we strive to honor the Lord, that effort should transform not only our hearts, but our physical appearance. Below I've added some pictures and included information on where similar clothing pieces can be bought online so check it out!
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
What are You Eating: Milk or Meat?
During my last trip to Houston I was able to visit one of my aunts who just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. During the course of my stay with the family, the baby got hungry and my aunt asked me to help her feed the child. She got the food ready, handed it to me, and I proceeded to feed the infant.
I'm sure as you read the above scene you more than likely envisioned me feeding the child a bottle that contained infant formula and not a steak and potato meal. Why? Most likely because you understood that I was feeding a new born child and babies have not matured up to the stage of eating solid food. If I wrote the above scene but changed to details to me preparing a meal for my father, you would not imagine me serving my father a bottle. Why? Again because you understand that my father, a grown man, would require heavier food to sustain him. As Christians, the same principles apply to us. After feeding on milk for a while, God expects us to grow and start eating solid food. We cannot remain Christian babies forever.
"For everyone that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."- Hebrews 5: 13-14
I'm sure as you read the above scene you more than likely envisioned me feeding the child a bottle that contained infant formula and not a steak and potato meal. Why? Most likely because you understood that I was feeding a new born child and babies have not matured up to the stage of eating solid food. If I wrote the above scene but changed to details to me preparing a meal for my father, you would not imagine me serving my father a bottle. Why? Again because you understand that my father, a grown man, would require heavier food to sustain him. As Christians, the same principles apply to us. After feeding on milk for a while, God expects us to grow and start eating solid food. We cannot remain Christian babies forever.
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Friday, July 3, 2015
The Illusion of Freedom
The United States of America will be celebrating its Independence Day on July 4th, but my heart aches for this country because we are living under the illusion of freedom. The news that have plagued this country in the last couple of days is a mere reflection of bondage that the world in general has voluntarily entered. With our own laws we've decreed and have accepted to be slaves to sin. Through the Lord Jesus Christ we have been given dominion over sin (Romans 6:!4), but the world has forfeited that power. I understand the world that does not know the saving grace of Jesus Christ is still a slave to sin, but what I cannot understand is why Christians are still bonded? Christians. Followers of Jesus Christ. Those who identify with the death and the resurrection of Jesus. It is an oxymoron to be Christian and yet be a slave, yet so many of us today have fallen from the faith and we don't even know it! We no longer mirror Christ. There is nothing about the 21st century Christian that screams set apart or different and I begin to wonder, Lord how did we get like this? How did we become a people who no longer reverence Your Word? How did we become lukewarm? The Holy Spirit answered and said I commanded you to" Watch, stand fast in the faith, be courageous, be strong" (1 Corinthians 16:13), but the people turned a deaf ear to My Words. To experience the liberty God has given us, we must go back to obeying the Word of God.
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Sunday, June 14, 2015
Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition6

Another episode of Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry post! The purpose of P31-WM is to encourage Christian women to honor their bodies with the way they dress and choose to represent themselves. There's nothing wrong with being fashionable and still maintaining your God-given honor and dignity. Below is an outfit I wore to church last week. Check it out to find out where I got the pieces from!
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
When God Interrupts Your Life
For the last couple of weeks I've had the same Bible passage resonating in my heart: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths"- Proverbs 3:5-6. It's not an unfamiliar passage, but one that I've read many times and studied many times; however, God has been working hard lately in getting me
to let go of my future. We've all, at one point or the other, dreamt of what we envision our future to be. We've planned that if we go to school and study well, we'll get a job that pays well when we are done. Once we secure a good job, then we will settle down and not just get married, but get married to the perfect man/woman who will have very little flaws and love us unconditionally forever. After that, we'll save money now so that we'll have more than enough to live comfortably later on. Then we plan to have children/raise a family, travel, etc. etc.
Though these plans may vary from person-to-person, there's no doubt that we all have somewhat of a timeline attached to them. However, what if God decides to interrupt your beautifully laid out plans and timeline? Interruptions that come from God may take the form of a delay, a reroute, a different look, a complete U-turn in the opposite direction you were heading, or a new mission altogether. As scary as it may sound, God can and often times will, interrupt your life. It is in these times that we must learn to trust God and let God have His way. It is easy and less scary to trust God's interruptions when you know the God you serve. If you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, a place that is unknown, or a path that is everything you did not pray for, realize that the Lord that interrupted your life, did so with a greater purpose in mind.
to let go of my future. We've all, at one point or the other, dreamt of what we envision our future to be. We've planned that if we go to school and study well, we'll get a job that pays well when we are done. Once we secure a good job, then we will settle down and not just get married, but get married to the perfect man/woman who will have very little flaws and love us unconditionally forever. After that, we'll save money now so that we'll have more than enough to live comfortably later on. Then we plan to have children/raise a family, travel, etc. etc.
Though these plans may vary from person-to-person, there's no doubt that we all have somewhat of a timeline attached to them. However, what if God decides to interrupt your beautifully laid out plans and timeline? Interruptions that come from God may take the form of a delay, a reroute, a different look, a complete U-turn in the opposite direction you were heading, or a new mission altogether. As scary as it may sound, God can and often times will, interrupt your life. It is in these times that we must learn to trust God and let God have His way. It is easy and less scary to trust God's interruptions when you know the God you serve. If you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, a place that is unknown, or a path that is everything you did not pray for, realize that the Lord that interrupted your life, did so with a greater purpose in mind.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015
She Stole My Crown!
Women love compliments. We may not verbally say we love being complimented, but deep down it makes us feel special. More times than not, these compliments center around our physical appearances and our outward beauty, but there's a type of compliment that we should all be desiring. The best compliment we as women can receive is when someone comes up to us and praises us on our character. I wanted to re-study the book of Esther and so I asked the Holy Spirit to teach me something new about Esther. The book of Esther chapter one starts off with Vashti as queen but ends with Ester being the crowned queen. What caused this drastic change in royalty? What the Holy Spirit ended up teaching me was that as a woman, it is character, not beauty, that will sustain you in the position you wish to be in life 

Friday, May 1, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 19-21
And..... we are done! Today I am posting the last few devotions from our #21DaysBibleChallenge that ended on April 21st. I really want to thank and appreciate all those who took part in this challenge with me. Even though I may not know you did the challenge I know that God in heaven saw your devotions. It is my prayer that He will bless you for your time. I pray that as you desire to know Him that He will continue to reveal Himself and His plans to you. For those who did not start the challenge on time, please feel encouraged to do the challenge on your own time with whatever Bible chapter you choose to study. God will reveal Himself to whoever seeks Him so let us be intentional about knowing our Father.
Day 19: John Chapter 19
Lesson 1: Jesus Christ Knew All the Details About His mission on Earth, yet He obeyed to the End
" They said therefore among themselves, " Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be," that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says, " They divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots"-John 19:24
"After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled said, "I thirst"-John 19:28
"For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, "Not one of His bones shall be broken"- John 19:36
"And again another Scripture says, "They shall look on Him whom they pierced"-John 19:37
Day 19: John Chapter 19
Lesson 1: Jesus Christ Knew All the Details About His mission on Earth, yet He obeyed to the End
" They said therefore among themselves, " Let us not tear it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be," that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says, " They divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots"-John 19:24
"After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the Scripture might be fulfilled said, "I thirst"-John 19:28
"For these things were done that the Scripture should be fulfilled, "Not one of His bones shall be broken"- John 19:36
"And again another Scripture says, "They shall look on Him whom they pierced"-John 19:37
Thursday, April 30, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 16-18
Hello everyone!
I am going to do the last two posts pertaining to the #21DaysBibleChallenge that was completed on April 21st. I've been meaning to release these posts but just haven't had the time due to school, but today is the day! Without any more delays, here are the things I learned from my quiet time on days 16, 17 and 18.
Day 16: John Chapter16
Lesson 1: God Always Forewarns
"These things I have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble" -John 16:1
I am going to do the last two posts pertaining to the #21DaysBibleChallenge that was completed on April 21st. I've been meaning to release these posts but just haven't had the time due to school, but today is the day! Without any more delays, here are the things I learned from my quiet time on days 16, 17 and 18.
Day 16: John Chapter16
Lesson 1: God Always Forewarns
"These things I have spoken to you that you should not be made to stumble" -John 16:1
- God sees all and knows all therefore before anything comes to be He is more than aware of it. When God sees what is coming for His children down the road, He warns us. Not only that, God always equips us with what we need to overcome.
- The important lesson to gain from this is that after God forewarns, we must heed the voice and the warnings of God. We must endeavor to remember His words because a soldier doesn't wait until gun fire showdown to start looking for his own weapon. We cannot be searching for God's Word during battle. We have to be filled up on His Word and equip ourselves the moment God warns.
- In the above Scripture Christ says He is speaking those words so that the disciples don't stumble. In order for us not to stumble when faced with difficulties we must heed the warnings and ask God for the grace to endure until the end.
Day 17: John Chapter17
Lesson 1: Jesus is Constantly Praying For Me
"I pray for them. I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours"- John 17: 9
"Now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to You. Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me that they may be one as We are"-John 17:11
I do not pray that you should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one"-John 17: 15
"I do not pray for these alone, but also those who will believe in Me through their word"-John 17: 20
- This chapter just oozed with the love that Christ has for His children. As I read I could just see the sincerity in the prayer of Christ and the amount of love He had for me and everyone else. Imagine Christ, a perfect loving God, knowing that He will be leaving His children in this world with all its evil and then see the desperation in His prayer to the Father. "Father keep them", "I pray for them", and "Keep through Your name" are all pleas!! Christ is begging the Father on our behalf! That's love!
- This chapter also taught me that I am not walking in this Christian journey alone. On my own power there is no way I would make it to the end, but because Jesus is at the right hand of the Father praying and interceding for me, I am given the grace to stand!
- The Holy Spirit also revealed that despite my many sins the blood of Jesus Christ is still pleading on my behalf. Because of the blood shed for me, the Father will keep me from falling. He will sustain me even until Christ returns or I meet him through death.
- "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen"-Jude 1:24-25
Day 18: John Chapter 18
Lesson 1: Be transparent in Your Actions
" Jesus answered him, "I spoke openly to the world, I always taught in the synagogues and in the temple where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have said nothing"- John 18:20
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry_ Edition5
Welcome to the 5th Edition of Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry! We promote fashion the honors the Lord and honors a woman's purity and dignity. Our motto at P31-WM is "clothed with strength and dignity" found in Proverbs31:25b. Today I am sharing details of an outfit I wore to church this week!
I believe in looking nice for less so below are where my outfit pieces were bought from.
Outfit Details:
Top: black lace top from us.cotton.com (bought on sale for $5!)
Skirt: free gift! :)
Shoes: red pyramid T strap Heels from rue21.com (There's a final sale going on! 30-50% off!)
Purse: Red Aldo tote from aldoshoes.com (free gift but was on sale!)
Watch: gold Aldo (gift!)
Sunday, April 19, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 12-15
Happy Sunday! I pray you've all had a great weekend! Today I am sharing from my studies from our #21DaysBibleChallenge days 12, 13, 14, and 15. As of today we are on day 19 which means we are only two days away from finishing the book of John! God is faithful!
Day 12: John Chapter 12
Lesson1: What are your intentions? God sees the heart, not the words
"Why was this fragrant of oil not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but because he was a thief, and had the money box; and he used to take what was put in it. "- John 12: 5-6
- Right before the above Scripture was written, Mary had taken an expensive oil and anointed the feet of Jesus with the oil. Judas saw this asked why that oil was not sold instead and the proceed given to the poor, but the Bible points out that he said this not because he was a good man that cared for the poor. His intentions was not pure. He wanted them to sell the oil so that they'll give him the money to keep and he will use the money for his own selfish desires.
- The first thing the Holy Spirit pointed out to me was that intentions mean everything. No matter how sweet and kind my words are, if my heart is in the wrong place, my words means nothing to God. In addition, the Holy Spirit revealed that nothing is hidden from God. We may be able to deceive people into thinking we are good people, but God is not fooled.
- "But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart"- 1 Samuel 16:7
- Prayer: Father search my heart and teach me to love with pure hands and a pure heart. Amen
Thursday, April 16, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 9-11
Hello! Today I am sharing my studies from our #21DaysBibleChallenge days 9, 10, and 11. I am very excited about how faithful God is. He promised that we would find Him when we seek Him with our whole hearts and I can truly say that this Bible challenge is really proving that. I pray that your experience through the challenge is just as rewarding. As of today we are day 16 so only 5 more days remain! As I did before, I will only be sharing one insight from each day to keep these posts semi-short.
Day 9: John Chapter 9.
Lesson 1: God allows some conditions for His glory
"Jesus answered, " Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him." - John 9:3
- The man in question in the above verse was born blind. Throughout his entire life people assumed his blindness was a result of his sins or the sins of his parents; however, when Jesus entered into the situation, He revealed that the man's condition was not a punishment was sin, rather a condition that God allowed him to be in that God may demonstrate His power.
- One thing that God taught me from this situation is that God is a Just God. Some may wonder why is God allowing an innocent man to suffer many years when he is not at fault neither are his parents at fault? God allowed the situation to save many lives. God's thoughts are not our thoughts neither are His ways our ways (Isaiah 55:8). It may not make sense to us, but God is looking at the bigger picture. The suffering of the man for a few years led to the salvation of that man's soul! A few earthly years of suffering is nothing in comparison to eternity with God. (John 9:34-38)
- In addition to the man's soul being saved, the miracle would also cause many to believe in Jesus Christ. We should be encouraged and strive to see God in the conditions of our lives. God always has a bigger plan! Let's trust Him.
- "But as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people."-Genesis 50:20
Sunday, April 12, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 6-8
As of today we are on Day 12 of our #21DaysBibleChallenge! Today I am posting one lesson from my devotions from days 6-8. I apologize that my posts always come very late in the evenings, but this when I usually force myself to take a study break.
Day 6: John Chapter 6
Lesson 1: God often asks rhetorical questions
" Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat? But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what he would do."- John 6: 5-6
Day 6: John Chapter 6
Lesson 1: God often asks rhetorical questions
" Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat? But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what he would do."- John 6: 5-6
- Before Jesus asked Philip where they were going to get food from to feed the crowd that was following Him, he ALREADY knew what He was going to do.
- This taught me that God doesn't ask my opinion because He is out of ideas nor because the situation that I am in is a surprise to Him. God brings up the question to get my attention. He asks rhetorical questions because the question will make me aware of that the problem I am facing is hopeless to man, but with God nothing shall be impossible!
- It was after the question was asked that Philip realized that even 200 denarii worth of bread was not going to be even to feed the people; This is to show that even with the resources of men, there are things beyond us, but God can take what we have and maximize it beyond that which we can imagine.
- From this scenario Jesus proves that He is more than capable of supplying our physical needs, therefore we should hunger after that which is everlasting (the Bread of Life) more than that which satisfies our stomach.
- "Do not labor for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to everlasting life, which the Son of Man will give you, because God the Father has set His seal on Him."- John 6:27
- Christ is the Bread of life and I need to feed my spirit daily with the Bread of Life who is also the Word. I feed my spirit by daily and intentionally spending time in the Word of God.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 4-5
Hello everyone! As promised, here are the things I learned from day 4 through 5 of our #21DaysBibleChallenge! As always, feel encouraged to comment your insights or message me! :)
Day 4: John Chapter 4
Lesson1: Jesus came to save all
"Jesus answered and said to her, "if you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water"- John 4: 10
Day 4: John Chapter 4
Lesson1: Jesus came to save all
"Jesus answered and said to her, "if you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water"- John 4: 10
- Though the woman was a Samaritan, a people not known to get along with Jews, she was the one Jesus decided to reveal Himself to (John4: 26). This showed me that we are all God's people and He desires that all come to know Him.
- This passage also taught me the importance of recognizing the presence of God! The woman of Samaria had no clue who she was interacting with! That's why Jesus said, "if you knew who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink" you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water". Basically, when I don't know God and when I don't recognize His presence, I will be fixated on things that don't matter. It won't occur to me that I am in the presence of the One who can do all things and supply all things! When I know my God I will be able to ask Him of things that are everlasting and God being a faithful God, will give me my request according to His will and purpose.
- Another lesson in this passage is, what God is requiring from me is nothing in comparison to what He wants to give me. At times we find it difficult to let go of certain things. We are afraid that we will never be able to get something better than what we are being called to let go of; however, when Jesus asked the woman of Samaria to give Him water to drink, He in return was looking to give her the Living Water that you drink and never thirst anymore. I need to learn to completely trust God's motives. He will never take something from me without replacing it with something better for me. "The blessings of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it:-Provers 10:22
Sunday, April 5, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge Days 2-3
For those who are undertaking this #21DaysBibleChallenge with me, here are parts of my devotion from day 2 to day 3. As always feel free to comment your insights or message me! Let's grow together in faith!
Day2: John Chapter 2
Here are a few things the Holy Spirit revealed to me through John chapter two.
1. Trusting in God + Obediences works miracles
"Jesus said to her, " Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come." His mother said to the servants, " Whatever He says to you, do it."-John 2:2-5
- Mary demonstrated great faith! She knew who Jesus was, she knew His powers and capabilities. This knowledge of the Almighty made her resilient in her request so even after Jesus said His hour has not yet come, she ignored it and went on to tell the servants at the party to obey whatever Jesus tells them to do! The end result was a miracle!
- When Jesus asked Mary, " what does your concern have to do with Me?" it wasn't that He didn't care about the panic occurring at the wedding. Jesus wanted Mary to state her request! This taught me that like Mary, when I am faced with difficulties, I need to know that only God can help with the problem and also like Mary, I need to bring it to God. When God will ask me, "what does this have to do with Me," I will reply, "Lord I am Your daughter! Whatever troubles me is the concern of my Father! Help me, Father!". God will not let me request go unanswered. He will perform a miracle to keep me from facing shame!
2. My body is the temple of the Lord! It is NOT for sale.
"And He found in the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the money changers doing business. ...And He said to those who sold doves, " Take these things away! Do not make My Father's house a house of merchandise!"- John 2: 14-16
Friday, April 3, 2015
#21DaysBibleChallenge: Day1
If you are following my blog via Facebook (www.facebook.com/FeeFeblogs), you'll know that I started a Bible challenge on April 1, 2015 using the Book of John. The point is to cultivate a habit of spending time before God. I know what it means to be busy. I am in my second year working on my Doctor of Pharmacy degree at a very prestigious college of pharmacy and I understand that many days 24 hours is just not enough time to get everything done. However, last year the Holy Spirit really started convicting me in this area of having daily devotions so I asked Him for the grace to make the time. It was not easy at first and to be honest, it's still not easy, but I am learning to crucify my flesh. The Bible tells us that whatever we feed will grow. If we feed our flesh, we will live by the flesh, but if we feed the Spirit, we will live by the spirit and not fulfill the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). So, for 21 days we are crucifying our weakness, our stress, and our laziness to hear from God! I promised to be sharing what I am learning as we proceed along these 21 days so here are a few things I learned from each chapter.
Day 1: John Chapter 1
1. Jesus Christ is Lord
" In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God."-John 1:1
The very first 18 verses of John chapter 1 described the love that the Father had for us in allowing the Son to come to dwell among us for the sole purpose of reconciling us back to God the Father. No longer are we in bondage to sin and the law because Jesus Christ came with grace. We are not saved by the law or by our good works, but by the grace of God. " And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"-Jon 1:16-17
2. The Many names of Jesus Christ
- The Word- John 1:1
- The Light - John 1:7
- The Only Begotten of the Father- John 1:14
- The Only Begotten Son- John 1:18
- The Lamb of God- John 1:29,36
- The Son of God- John 1:34
- The Son of Man- John 1: 51
Each of these reference to Christ Jesus reveals a different character of God. Jesus Christ is the Word that was with God from the beginning even before creation. He is part of the "us" in Genesis when God said, "Let us make man in our own image." He is the Light. A friend shared from her devotion that darkness signifies lack of knowledge; therefore, Christ is the embodiment of knowledge. The same John says grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. There are many doctrines claiming to be true, but the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth. Jesus Christ is also the Lamb of God that was offered up as a sacrifice in our place. During this period of Easter, I cannot help but thank God for love that drove Him to the cross! The varies names of Jesus challenged me to find out more of His names. When I know Him, I will be able to stand upon that name and challenge any situation because the Word of God says that every knee will bow and every tongue confess at the mention of the name of Jesus! (Philippians 2:9) There's power in the name of the Lord!
3. We must witness after salvation
One of the most powerful revelations given to me from chapter 1 was seeing how the Gospel of Jesus was propelled from person to person. John the Baptist started it by saying, " I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God"- John 1:34. Among the people who heard John say this was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. The Bible tells us that Andrew, " he first found his own brother Simon and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (John 1:41). Not only did Andrew tell his brother about Jesus, be we are told he brought Simon to Jesus and it was at that moment that Jesus called Simon "the rock". We are then told that Jesus called Phillip, Phillip followed Christ, and then "Phillip found Nathenael and said to him, " we have found Him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote- Jesus of Nazareth" (John 1:45)
The first thing that stuck out to me was that everyone spoke! I was reminded that in order to bring someone to Christ, I must speak! I must verbally share the love of Christ with those around me. None of the new converts came to Christ without someone sharing Christ with them. The Word of God says, " how then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?"-Romans 10:14. We have to speak! We are the preachers that the world is waiting on before they can believe in the Lord Jesus Christ! The second thing that stuck out to me was that the people that called, others to come follow Christ started calling people from their family and people they knew. This just taught me to pray for my family and friends that we may all know Jesus and make heaven. It is not enough to be saved. We are saved to bring others to Christ starting from our own circle of family and friends.
Thank you all for taking on this challenge with me! If you feel led to share what you are learning, please do! I would love to learn from you all! In an attempt not to make these #21DaysBibleChallenge blog posts too long, I will post my devotions from Day 2 and 3 later on this weekend! Until then, may the Lord keep you and bless you. May He honor your efforts in spending time with Him in Jesus' name. Amen!
Yorkamazing <3
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TMV- 2 Timothy 2:15
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
Thursday, March 19, 2015
5 Things to Know During Your Small Beginnings
A very common phrase used among Nigerians is the phrase "From grass to grace". It is usually said when someone overcomes great trials and hardships to reach a new level of wealth, luxury, and comfort. They remember the struggles of the beginning and use that as a testimony of God's faithfulness to them now that they are better off. Today I want to dwell on the grass stage of a person's life when hope still seems far away. This is the season that is often referred to as "small beginnings". This season of one's life is characterized by hardship. For some, it may include things such as starting a new business or reviving a dead business and having no one to believe in your business or ideas. It could be starting a ministry that God is calling you to, yet people doubt your anointing. For others it's standing in the gap in prayers for their family that is going through financial or spiritual hardships, while some it's deciding to pursue a new career path or changing area of focus in one's educational pursuits.
All of these changes are challenging to undertake and they require tremendous faith to trust the direction God is leading you. These leaps of faith are often met with opposition from friends and even family members who struggle with understanding the vision given to you. They may ridicule you, discourage you, and undermine the assignment in your hands. If care is not taken, we may allow their opinions to override the voice of the Lord, but God is asking today, "For who hath despised the days of small things?" (Zechariah4:10a). Who are you or anyone else, to despise the dream God has given you just because it's in its early stage? When you are in the grass phase of your life, there are five attributes of God that you must not forget.
1. God Always Finishes What He Starts
"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"- Philippians1:6
Your confidence in the beginning stages should lie in the fact that God cannot stop what He hasn't completed. This can be seen in the manner in which God created heaven and the earth. In Genesis we are told that God created the heavens and the earth on day one, created the sky on day two, created dry land and all plant life on day three, created the stars and heavenly bodies on day four, created all sea creatures, all creeping things, and birds on day five, created man on day six and rested on day seven. He rested on the 7th day when He saw that all that He has created was good. This is to show that there's a divine order/schedule to how God works. The Lord will only stop when what He has destined for you is perfected.
All of these changes are challenging to undertake and they require tremendous faith to trust the direction God is leading you. These leaps of faith are often met with opposition from friends and even family members who struggle with understanding the vision given to you. They may ridicule you, discourage you, and undermine the assignment in your hands. If care is not taken, we may allow their opinions to override the voice of the Lord, but God is asking today, "For who hath despised the days of small things?" (Zechariah4:10a). Who are you or anyone else, to despise the dream God has given you just because it's in its early stage? When you are in the grass phase of your life, there are five attributes of God that you must not forget.
1. God Always Finishes What He Starts
"Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ"- Philippians1:6
Your confidence in the beginning stages should lie in the fact that God cannot stop what He hasn't completed. This can be seen in the manner in which God created heaven and the earth. In Genesis we are told that God created the heavens and the earth on day one, created the sky on day two, created dry land and all plant life on day three, created the stars and heavenly bodies on day four, created all sea creatures, all creeping things, and birds on day five, created man on day six and rested on day seven. He rested on the 7th day when He saw that all that He has created was good. This is to show that there's a divine order/schedule to how God works. The Lord will only stop when what He has destined for you is perfected.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry_ Edition4
Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry( P31-WM) was started last year in an attempt to encourage Christian women to honor God with their bodies by dressing modestly. The motto of P31-WM is found in Proverbs31:25b where it says that the Proverbs 31 lady is "clothed with strength and dignity". The ultimate goal of P31-WM will is grow into an outreach program that will supply battered women, domestically abused women, and women from low income houses with clothing they can use as they try to build up their self esteem and reorder their lives. The clothing will also go to women who are looking for jobs but cannot afford interview outfits. Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry will provide these women with free modest outfits, including shoes, that will help them secure the job, boost their self esteem, and most importantly, remind them that God has not forgotten them. In the mean time, we will continue to encourage, promote, and celebrate modesty, purity, and holiness.
Today's Proverbs31- WM guest is Louise, a college student based in Houston, Texas. This Liberian beauty shared her affordable style with P31 -WM and wants to encourage other young women to take pride in their appearance. We love it! Check out her styles below!
Today's Proverbs31- WM guest is Louise, a college student based in Houston, Texas. This Liberian beauty shared her affordable style with P31 -WM and wants to encourage other young women to take pride in their appearance. We love it! Check out her styles below!
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Perfected In The Fire
When God wants to bring about a change in us, He does things in mysterious ways. I often find myself praying to God prayers asking Him to help me genuinely love people, to give me grace to forgive quickly, to make me patient, etc., but God revealed to me that those prayers cannot be granted overnight. I cannot just pray such prayers and automatically start loving everyone and forgiving everything with no hesitation. In order for God to make me a patient person and to make me someone whose heart is moved with compassion, God has to place me in circumstances that will develop those characteristics in me.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law."-Galatians 5:22-23
It is very interesting that the Scripture chose to use the word "fruit" to describe the characteristics of a godly Christian. Fruit is a result of a tree that has been planted. When one desires an apple tree, they plant the seed in the season. That seed is then watered and nurtured for months to allow the seed to grow roots and sprout. Eventually over years, the small seed becomes a huge tree and begins to bear apples. The entire process from seed to a tree that bears fruits takes about two to five years depending on the apple type and throughout those years, that tree must continuously be watered and cared for to prevent anything from hindering its growth. The same thing applies to the Christian. The fruits of the Spirit come as a result of the process God takes us through. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:10 that God is He who supplies seed to the sower. This is to mean that whatever it is that we desire from God, He is ready to supply those needs, but it is important to note that He gives you the seeds, not the finish product. Effective change comes with work and enduring the tests that come with the process of bearing fruits.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law."-Galatians 5:22-23
It is very interesting that the Scripture chose to use the word "fruit" to describe the characteristics of a godly Christian. Fruit is a result of a tree that has been planted. When one desires an apple tree, they plant the seed in the season. That seed is then watered and nurtured for months to allow the seed to grow roots and sprout. Eventually over years, the small seed becomes a huge tree and begins to bear apples. The entire process from seed to a tree that bears fruits takes about two to five years depending on the apple type and throughout those years, that tree must continuously be watered and cared for to prevent anything from hindering its growth. The same thing applies to the Christian. The fruits of the Spirit come as a result of the process God takes us through. The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 9:10 that God is He who supplies seed to the sower. This is to mean that whatever it is that we desire from God, He is ready to supply those needs, but it is important to note that He gives you the seeds, not the finish product. Effective change comes with work and enduring the tests that come with the process of bearing fruits.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Controlling Your Emotions: Anger
The Lord taught me a very humbling lesson tonight. I was at the home office I built in my room where I study when my neighbors started playing really loud, disruptive music. This was not the first time they've done this nor was it the 5th time. This is a problem I've dealt with constantly for the last six months. Today, however, I remembered that my brother gave me some speakers when I went home for the Christmas period. I searched for those speakers, connected them to the bluetooth on my phone, and starting playing Nigerian Christian praise songs on the highest volume my speakers can reach. Here I was, trying to study but being distracted by the music, and now I've added to the noise with my own music. I couldn't study and at the same time, my spirit did not feel right. Part of my heart knew I was not responding to this situation right because I knew the only reason I was blasting my music was because I was angry. In a way, I felt I was disrespecting God because I was playing praise songs with an angry heart to "get back" at someone instead of to give God glory. The Holy Spirit instantly convicted me. I looked at the time and noticed that it was time for me to have my evening devotion. I've set a specific time of the day where no matter what I am doing, I stop to spend time in the presence of God. I knew then and there that God needed to speak to me so I stopped the music and said this prayer: " Lord, please forgive me for not seeking Your face concerning this situation. Father, please teach me how to handle it in Jesus' Name. Amen". The Holy Spirit directed me to the following passage:
"Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say? This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with His finger on the ground as though He did not hear." John 8: 5-6 (NKJV)
"Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say? This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with His finger on the ground as though He did not hear." John 8: 5-6 (NKJV)
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
The Unmarried Woman
I have this burden on my heart to encourage people to maximize every season of their lives. The Word of God tells us," To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Last time I zoomed into the life of an unmarried man and illustrated how God used the life of Adam to lay out the blueprint on what a man of God looks before marriage. If you haven't read it, read about the The Unmarried Man here. Today I want to zoom in on the life of an unmarried woman using the life of Eve as the blueprint. For the life of a woman, God demonstrated two phases: The Preparation and The Presentation.
1.The Preparation
" And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman"- Genesis 2: 21-22a
God formed every creature and they all had partners except Adam. Out of everything that God had created up until that moment, the first time God was displeased was when He saw that Adam had no helper and so the Lord God said, " it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."-Genesis 2:18. The need of a helper resulted in the creation of woman. This concept is important to understand because of the preparation phase of the unmarried woman. If God created the woman to be a helpmeet, then the phase leading up to marriage should be a period of time where the woman discovers her purpose, talent, strengths, passion, and everything she will eventually utilize to "help". You cannot help someone if you do not know what you are capable of doing!
1.The Preparation
" And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman"- Genesis 2: 21-22a
God formed every creature and they all had partners except Adam. Out of everything that God had created up until that moment, the first time God was displeased was when He saw that Adam had no helper and so the Lord God said, " it is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him."-Genesis 2:18. The need of a helper resulted in the creation of woman. This concept is important to understand because of the preparation phase of the unmarried woman. If God created the woman to be a helpmeet, then the phase leading up to marriage should be a period of time where the woman discovers her purpose, talent, strengths, passion, and everything she will eventually utilize to "help". You cannot help someone if you do not know what you are capable of doing!
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
The Unmarried Man
Many times in life we wander around aimlessly living each day with no purpose. We wake up not having the slightest clue of what we want out of our day talk-less of actually implementing a plan that will draw us closer to our destiny. God did not create us to live without knowing where we are going or why we were made. Each day of our lives, each phase, and every experience of life was ordained by God to lead us to a place He destined for us. It is therefore vital that we understand which stage of life we are in. The Holy Scriptures tell us, " To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Today I want to zoom in on the life of a man of God and in a later blog, I will bring the discussion to the women. The Word of God describes two stages in a man's life: the Unmarried man and the Married-man, but today's blog will deal with the unmarried man. God laid out a blueprints for both the unmarried and married man using the life of Adam.
1. Unmarried Man: Appreciate Your Garden
1. Unmarried Man: Appreciate Your Garden
"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. The Lord God planted a garden eastward of Eden, and there He place the man whom He had formed"-Genesis 2:7-8
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition 3

Today's Proverbs31- WM guest is Jully, a graduating senior at the University of Texas-Austin. She is a blogger ( www. Juelsengels.com) and she shares a lot outfit inspirations on her instagram. Read her words of encouragement below and check out her lovely style!
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
"New Year, New Me"
Many people make New Year resolutions at the
beginning of a New Year and the most common resolution is "New Year, New
Me". People solemnly swear that they will not repeat the mistakes of the
previous year, they will not fall victim to the deceptions of the previous
year, and they will be so radically transformed that people who knew them
before the New Year will be shocked at the changes. While all of this is good,
in most cases, the people who make these resolutions only implement those
changes for the first few weeks of the New Year. By the time February rolls
around, the same people who swore how they will change will be back in the same
destructive patterns of the former year.
Why do these changes not last for the
year or better yet, the remainder of the individual's life? The changes are not
long-term changes because by our own power, we can only mask parts of our
former selves. We don't truly change; instead, we suppress our habits and
attempt to start fresh. As a result, while we might be able to live a
"changed" life for a few weeks, the remnants of our old selves will
always be around, ready to resurface at any given time. This is likened to
putting on new clothes on top of dirty clothes. If you do not remove the dirty
clothes first, you will still smell despite the new expensive designer clothes.
Only God can take us as we are, break us down, and mold us
into His image and His likeness that we may fulfill the purpose He has given
"But now, O Lord, You are our Father; We
are the clay, and You are our potter; And we are all the work of Your
hand."- Isaiah 64:8
Thursday, January 1, 2015
By the special grace of God, we are in 2015! Happy New Year to you all! This year will be the best one yet as we walk with the Lord. He will order your steps and lead you to green pastures in Jesus name! Amen! To You alone, Oh Lord, be all the glory forever!
Yorkamazing <3
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TMV -Isaiah 43:19
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."
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