Saturday, August 31, 2013

Pharmacy & I

I started Pharmacy school this week! *Insert loud screaming here!* Those that know my struggles and challenges will understand my praise when I say that "God is faithful!".  Indeed He has brought me a mighty long way. Well in my first week of classes, I've been quiet and very observant of not only the institution that I am now in, but the profession that I, by the grace of God, have chosen to be a part of. I am happy that after a week of observation, I can confidently say that this is what I want to do with my life. I have longed known that I loved people. My dreams as a child, and still my dream today, was to get an opportunity just to meet everyone on the face of the earth to say "hi", and if they'll allow me, to give them a hug. (lol) It sounds silly, but that's what my dream was because my heart feels for people. One of the very blessings of not being raised in abundance, is that  regardless of what you end up attaining in life, you have learned to sympathize and empathize with the less fortunate, because you have first hand experience on how it feels to go hungry and how to survive on next to nothing. Because of these experiences, you have to be completely heartless to then achieve something in life and refuse to offer assistant to someone in the very same position that you were once in.

I asked God to help me not only go to school, but to get an education that will place me in a position to offer assistance to those around me. I wanted to share Christ in my education because I believe in the ministry of 'living'. What I mean by this is that, as Christians we miss out on so many opportunities to introduce people to Christ, not by words, but by our actions! I've heard that "no one cares how much you know, until they know how much you care", and in terms of spreading the Gospel, that statement still holds true! Scripture tells us in Philippians 2:4 " Let each of you look out not only for his own interest, but also for the interest of others." We are to be concern about the welfare of others and bear each other's burdens. We share Christ through living in compassion, showing kindness, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, mourning with those that mourn, and celebrating with those that are celebrating. In doing these things and reflecting the perfect love of Christ, the objects of our kindness will be inclined to ask about the God we serve that makes us so different!

This brings me back to pharmacy as a profession. To summarize my first week, all I heard was that pharmacy is a profession where we serve others. Throughout orientation, the deans and professors all mention this statement in various ways informing us about how necessary it is for us to learn and comprehend the materials in each course, because for the first time in our educational careers, our knowledge of course material is for our future patients. It is no longer about us! Now I see why God brought me here. While writing this blog, God dropped it in my heart that when we ask for something, let us ask according to His Will. God reminded me of the story of Hannah and her desire for a son. Hannah needed a son, God needed a prophet, and God knew that if He gave her a son, she will in turn, give the son back to God to be used by God. (1 Samuel 1: 11) As a result, God answered her prayer and killed two birds with one stone because Hannah's request lined up with God's Will!! I asked for an education, and God needs more people to be servers in this world, so He has strategically placed me in a profession where I can share the Love of Christ, even if I never utter a word. For this, I give Him all the glory. And today, just like Hannah, I will give God back what He has given me: I will honor Him in the profession He has placed me, loving, caring, serving, and learning all to His glory. The road ahead may be rough, but I am confident in this, that He that began a good work in [me] shall complete it until the day of Christ Jesus." -Philippians 1:6

T.M.V - Colossians 3:23
"Whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men"

Saturday, August 3, 2013

She Doesn't Want Your Money

A few days ago I took a trip to Wal*Mart and on my way back to my car to unload my groceries, I was approached by a man. I suppose he was interested in starting a conversation and flashing his title because his opening line was, " Hi, are you a lawyer? You look like a woman I went to Law School with." I smiled and  told him that I am not and he is mistaking me for someone else to which he proceeded to compliment me on my smile and beauty. Again, I thanked him and continued on to my car. This man followed me and asked my name. When I told him my name he handed me his business card and said, " Feefe you are very beautiful. I would love to take you out and spend money on you. I want to spend money on you." In my head I was busy figuring a way to dismiss him kindly but he wouldn't stop insisting that he is a lawyer and has money to spend. I finally took his business card, to which he said, "please call me during business hours. You are beautiful and I want to wine and dine you. Promise you will call me." I smiled again, told him to have a good day, and went my way all the while a thousand thoughts were rushing through my head. This was the third time that same week that I've had similar experiences and all these experiences have made me ponder on what some men have reduced women to. Not every women is moved by money.There are still plenty of women that are moved by a man's character. 

Proverbs 27:19 says "As water reflects the face of man, so does the heart reflect the man." The heart of the man at Wal*Mart revealed many things wrong with him and hence why I tore up his business card as soon as I got to my car. First of all, he was an older man; a man that is expected to be married with children. The mere fact that he is interested in toasting a younger woman reveals his immaturity and fleshy/lustful desires. Such men are only interested in obtaining sexual gains from the women they approach. Secondly, what responsible men tells the woman he wants to "wine and dine" to only call him "during business hours?" What is he hiding? Perhaps his poor wife and kids that he has to return home to at night. It sickens and saddens me to know that there are men who are just like this guy; men that have lost sight on what the Bible called them to be. The Word of God says

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the console of the ungodly. Nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in His law does he meditate day and night"-Psalm 1:1-2

What happened to men that delighted themselves in the service of God? Regardless of relationship status, the Bible clearly lays out what a man should be like. The Bible tells the unmarried man to be concern with how to please the Lord. (2 Corinthians 7:32) It is by first seeking the Kingdom of God AND His righteousness, that all other things are added unto us. (Matt6:33). Therefore a Godly man should not be be plotting ways to lure a women by money or job titles, but rather should be praying for  God to mold his character into a man that represents the image of Christ.

"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. Against which, there is no law. "-Galatians 5:22-23

As much as I've talked about the Godly man, it's important also for us women to respect ourselves. The man at Wal*Mart has probably tried his "wine and dine" routine successfully on many women in order for him to approach me with the level of confidence that he did, but we should be different! I once read a quote that said " Being a woman does not change the kind of Christian I am, but being a Christian changes the type of woman I am." Let the men keep their money and show you that he can stimulate your mind, after all not all that glitters is gold right? Contrary to popular belief that all women want are tall, dark, and handsome men, the real gold are men that are in submission to Christ. Men that are allowing God to teach them how to be the head of their future household. Men that can pray for you when you need it, men that are humble enough to admit their faults yet strong enough to support you and your dreams. Men that will be faithful to you alone, not passing out business cards in Wal*Mart parking lots telling other women to call only during business hours. We shouldn't be moved by flashiness, looks, titles, money, and "SWAG". Those are all things the Bible calls "vanity upon vanity". Real men are kings, and we are their queens. Let us strive to honor God with our bodies and seek that God will make us godly women for the godly men we pray for. It is not what a man drives, but what drives a man that matters. A man's heart and character is more valuable than his bank account.

Yorkamazing <3 

T.M.V -1 Samuel 16:7
"But the Lord said unto Samuel, " Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart"