Monday, July 28, 2014

"Ruth"-Less Women

I would like to believe that most Christians know the story of Ruth and Boaz in the Bible. Single women are often times encouraged to wait patiently for their Boaz while waiting on a godly spouse for marriage. On Sunday July 27, 2014, I woke up and prepared myself for church. I felt a strong pulling of the Holy Spirit telling me to read the book of Ruth in the Bible. I remember entering my car and convincing myself that I would spend time studying Ruth this week. As God would have it, there was a guest Pastor at church this Sunday and believe it or not, she preached only about Ruth. As soon as she began her sermon titled "Walking in the Field of Favor", I knew I had heard from the Holy Spirit earlier at home so today I sat down with my Bible to read the book of Ruth and asked the Holy Spirit to minister to me something different about Ruth. In the course of my time before God, God whispered in my heart that many women have become "Ruthless" or as He put it, "Ruth"-Less. 

In its Hebrew context, Ruth means "companion; friend; vision of beauty". Source: BehindTheName) The Bible figure of Ruth indeed represented her name. When her husband died, her Mother-In-Law Naomi insisted that Ruth returned back to her father's house so that she could eventually remarry and bear children. Instead of listening to Naomi like her sister-in-law Orpah did, Ruth chose to cling to Naomi. She rejected returning back to her gods and said unto Naomi 

" Entreat me not to leave you or to turn back from following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God. Where you die, I will die, And there will I be buried. The Lord do so to me, and more also, if anything but death parts you and me. "- Ruth 1:16-17

These are the words and actions of a woman who had chosen to be a friend and companion. Her words show the beauty of her heart and the genuine love and respect she had for her Mother-In-Law. In addition, Ruth's decision and action proved that she was a faithful woman. She could have chosen to leave once her husband died, but instead Ruth vowed that only death would separate her from her Mother-In-Law. Her faithfulness was not conditional to only the good times. Above all, her action revealed a woman who had made up her mind to forsake other "gods" and worship the True God of Israel. These characteristics and selfless sacrifices were seen by Boaz and he prayed a prayer for her saying, "The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge. "-Ruth 2:12

Ruth was favored by Boaz and he took her as a wife. Ruth was a virtuous woman and her marriage to Boaz spurred the elders of the community who witnessed the occasion to pray" The Lord make the woman who is coming to your house like Rachel and Leah, the two who built the house of Israel; and may you prosper in Ephrathan and be famous in Bethlehem. May your house be like the house of Perez, whom Tamar bore to Judah, because of the offspring which the Lord will give you from this young woman" -(Ruth4:11-12)

Today, most women have become "Ruth"-less, leading to a shortage of "Ruths". According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, ruthless means "having no pity; cruel or merciless".  The devil has so much deceived women into forgetting their worth and power in society. The devil has now reduced women into thinking all they have to offer to the world is their breasts, thighs, and sexuality. In this modern day age of social media, women are no longer concerned with being virtuous and holy. No longer are young women being taught to keep their virginity and practice abstinence before marriage. No longer are the older women showing younger women what it takes to be a woman who is concerned with the affairs of her house. Rather, older women are in competition with younger women on looks and appearance. This should not be so. The word of God tells us

"The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanders, not given to much wine, teachers of good things. That they may admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, home-makers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. "-Titus 2-3-5

We have turned from being companions and friends to gossipers. We have forgotten that  we are the pathways and mothers of generations to come. Going back to Ruth 4:11-12, the elders prayed that Ruth would be like Rachel and Leah who BUILT the house of Israel. The love, grace, and character of a woman is creative power; we were created to make, to bring about, to build. It is only an ignorant woman who would destroy that which God has given her. Your presence in a family as a wife, a daughter, a sister, or even a sister-in-law, should neither cause confusion and hatred, nor cause the family to fall apart. If it does, then you are no longer "Ruth" but "Ruth"-less. The Scripture tells us that "The wise woman build her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands".- Proverbs14:1. The Bible also tells us the he who finds a wife, finds what is good and obtains favor from God. You as woman are supposed to be something "good" that changes someone for the better. You are supposed to be the door that opens to favor.

So my beautiful ladies, let us be honest with ourselves and evaluate ourselves. Would we be called Ruth, or would people call us ruthless? If we are known as Ruth, let us continue to allow God to guide our steps in righteousness. If we are ruthless, it is never too late to come to God in repentance so that He may make us the blessing we are supposed to be. Ruth chapter four ends by telling us that Ruth gave birth to Obed, who was the father of Jesse, who was the father of David. This chronological timeline shows that the faithfulness, the companionship, and the friendship of Ruth to Naomi led her to becoming the great grandmother of King David, the man the Bible describes as "The man after God's own heart"! Who and what is our character giving birth to? We cannot be mothers to kings without allowing the King of kings to take priority  in our lives. May God give us all grace to be graceful, mercy to be merciful, and the heart to be "Ruth"-full, not "Ruth"-less women. Amen. 
Yorkamazing <3

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T.M.V-Proverbs 31:30-31
"Favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears God, she shall be praised. Give to her of the fruit of her hands. And let her own works praise her in the gates"

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Health&Fitness: What is FeeFe Up To?- Juicing!

Many readers that have followed my journey know that I went on a health/fitness journey in September 2011. I was in my Junior year in college and I found myself out of shape, always tired, and over weight. I had allowed the stresses of university life to get to me and I would only wake up, eat, study, go to lab, eat, sleep, repeat. No where in my schedule did I set aside a time to workout and exercise. In addition, I was NOT eating healthy therefore the pounds piled on. At my highest (that I know of) I weighed 191.4 pounds. That day was the turning point in my life and I decided that I was going to take control of my health and body. That night I threw away everything that was in my fridge. I got rid of all the processed food, the microwavable packets of unhealthy garbage, and went shopping for healthy food. In addition, I started waking up early to work out before heading to class. One year later of a complete lifestyle change, I lost over 50 pounds and vowed that I would never return to old ways. God was faithful in seeing me through the process and I have been able to influence other ladies to go on their journey to a healthier them. 

So far two personal friends I know have lost a combined weight of over 110 pounds by simply knowing what they are putting in their body. I refused to tell people that I was on a "diet" because I hate the term "diet". To me, diet seems like something temporary. When you decide to treat your body like the temple of the Most High, it cannot be a temporary process. You pick habits that eventually become part of you.  You cannot starve yourself on a diet and expect long term results. My advice to people have always been this: drink water, eat food that can expire/rot, make your own food, limit your portions, throw in fruits and vegetables, and exercise. These things are things you can do for the rest of your life and they will help you maintain your weight. It has been about 3 years since I started the lifestyle change and I have not gained a single pound back after I lost it. Why is that? Because I never went on a diet. I learned/googled/bought books to educate myself on the right foods for my body, I found healthier substitutions for foods I loved, I still ate my Nigerian food but I limited my portion until now, my body is used to eating smaller meals, I became a lover of water drinking up to 3 liters a day, and I found exercise as my stress reliever instead of turning to ice cream and candy. 

Now to the purpose of this post. As a chemist by profession, I love to experiment. My new obsession and passion is now juicing. I have been interested in starting this experience, but for one reason or the other, I never started....until two days ago. For those that may not know, juicing is when you extract the natural juices out of fruits and vegetable. It is an easy way to get all the nutrients of fruits and vegetables without the stress of having to eat them. The other benefit of juicing is that you are in control of what goes into your juice and into your body. Most juices you find in stores have been loaded with preservatives and chemicals that do more damage than good. The juice you make yourself, you know is 100% juice. In addition, because you juice them, you improve your overall health and can even lose weight if you replace one meal a day with the juice. This is my new passion and I want to encourage you all to try it for yourself. As I stated in past posts, when I started being more conscious of my health and how it affects me physically and spiritually, I ask God to guide me in the process so that I may honor Him in all things. Sometimes we get so busy taking care of everyone and everything that we neglect ourselves, but squeezing in time to make sure we are strong will allow us to give the best of us in service to God and mankind. Below is what I am using in this "Juicious" journey I just started. Please share your thoughts and let me know if you try this or send me your recipes! God bless you all and grant you grace for each day. Amen. 

The juicer I bought. I got it for around 31 dollars from amazon.
Click to see the Juicer On Amazon
Picture on the left: I went grocery shopping. Everything in this picture came out to be 27 dollars. Green apples, ginger, red apples, Honey Dew, oranges, celery, strawberries, lemon cucumber, and pineapple. Eating healthy costs a bit of money, but it is definitely worth it in the long run.
Picture on the right: My first recipe was 3 carrots, 3 red apples and half-inch of ginger. 

After washing and cutting up my apples, ginger and carrots, I simply placed it in my juicer and started juicing!
I poured the juice into a bottle, shook it then poured myself a glass! It was DELICIOUS! This recipe has many benefits. It increases your energy, it's great for the heart and gives you healthy glowing skin, and it is a great detoxifier.
Cheers to great health and feeling/looking better!

With love In Christ Jesus,
Yorkamazing <3

TMV- 3 John1:2

"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Proverbs 31 Wardrobe Ministry_Edition 2

Hello there! This is the second edition of Proverbs31 Wardrobe Ministry: Clothed with Strength and Dignity. The purpose of these posts is to share ideas of modest outfits that a young believer in Christ can wear to look beautiful without compromising her dignity. I wore this outfit to church for a Baby Naming Ceremony on July 6, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas. Check it out and email me your outfits if you want to be featured! God bless you as you continue to honor Him in EVERY aspect of your life! Amen. 

The Outfit: Black skirt, off-white blazer, leopard print under-shirt

The Outfit: Black skirt, off-white blazer, leopard print under-shirt

Accessories: Gold pumps, baby blue tote purse with gold trimmings, gold Aldo watch

The face: Nude lip gloss (I don't wear make-up because my skin will react and itch)
Accessories: 2-Tone Blue Necklace on a gold chain, white pearl stud earrings

See the past edition by clicking here: Edition 1

With love, 
Yorkamazing <3 
T.M.V- Romans 12:1
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship"