Sunday, December 2, 2012

Strength in December

I'm sure that my daily readers can already tell by now that I love music. There's just this feeling I get when I hear a song that resonates with my heart. It truly is unexplainable but I speak to God through music, I worship God through music, I hear the voice of God speaking to me through music, and I gather strength, joy, and peace through music about God. Today as I was studying, the song " Praise You in this storm" by Casting Crowns came on my Pandora station. I have now replayed that song over 10 times and counting.  The phase of my life that I am currently and have been in for the last couple of months is trusting God whole-heartedly knowing that anything that happens, whether we consider it "good" or "bad", God is still God!

I'm learning to just love God for being God. Basically drawing closer to God and knowing His nature. I feel that this is important because it controls my heart and keeps me focus on God. I have lived 22 years and have found that through the years, many things have made me cry. I have been disappointed many times by both people and things, but one thing has been consistent, and that thing is that God did not change. He has never disappointed when He promised me something, neither has He decided that He is no longer interested in my affairs because of a mistake on my end. God has been faithful through it all and now He is trying to show me to rely on HIM ONLY. To trust His plans for my life and to know that His plans for me are good plans, even in the middle of my storms. This message was especially clear today when the song at church was " In the Middle"a song by Isaac Carree that talks about praising God even in the middle of the storm. Also the confirmation came through Casting Crowns "Praise You in this storm" just now.

And I'll praise You in this storm And I will lift my hands For You are who You are No matter where I am And every tear I've cried You hold in Your hand You never left my side And though my heart is torn....I will praise You in this storm

My favorite part of the song is the chorus above where it says " You are who You are, No matter where I am". The statement is so deep! God does not change even though our situations may change and that's an amazing thing to grasps! It comes with so much assurance and peace knowing that just because things are hard right now, doesn't mean that God has forsaken us or given up on us. He is a perfect God, even in the storm. With that I am going into this month of December in peace. There lies ahead of me so many exams, presentations, and interviews, but no matter where I am, God is and always will be God therefore I will praise Him through all my storms this month and forever! May God see us into 2013! Amen!
Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V- Psalm 121: 1-3
I lift up my eyes to the hills-- where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth

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