Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Being a Healthy Me

As most people are beginning to realize, I've been on a mission since October 2011 of taking care of myself physically and becoming healthy. I realized it was time when I bought a scale and stepped on it and could not believe how much I've abandoned myself ever since starting college at the University of Texas-Austin (Hook 'Em). I became so consumed by school work, labs, lab reports, midterms, all the typical college student headaches, that my health was not a priority anymore. I ate out or ordered-in constantly because of the connivence of having the food already made since I could barely find time to study, let alone, find time to sleep or eat. Within no time, lack of sleep plus bad eating habits equaled weight-gained but on that faithful day when I ordered the scale, I told myself enough was enough. It was time to start taking care of ME and I was not going to feel guilty nor selfish for blocking out an hour a day dedicated to myself.

That night, I took the trashcan to my fridge and frantically threw out every form of processed food, junk food, and soda I had in the fridge, got into my car, and drove to the nearest H.E.B and spent about $70 to buy fruits, vegetables,  lean meat, water, yogurt, etc etc. The very next morning, I woke up at 6:30am (which took everything in me to do), got dressed and walked from my apartment to the gym on campus to go workout. I arrived home an hour and 15 minutes later, took a shower, grab yogurt and a banana and ate my breakfast on my way to my 9am class. After my last class which ended at 4:50pm, I took myself back to the campus gym and workout again for another hour and 15 minutes before going home. That was 10 months ago and I have not looked back since I started. I've been walking around campus looking a hot mess everyday while returning from the gym, but it's been so rewarding!

I've always told myself, that as long as I am the only person standing between where I am and where I want to be, who I am and who I want to be, then I can achieve that goal. What I mean by this is, in terms of getting healthy, it's MY BODY and I control what enters into MY BODY so if I want to change MY BODY, it's completely 100% up to ME. No one is going to go to the gym and workout in order for me to be fit except ME. When faced with the chose of eating right or shoving unhealthy highly processed fast food into my mouth, I make that chose.

As with everything concerning me, I took my desire to be healthy to God in prayer and asked Him to grant me the grace and determination to stick to it and God has been faithful. the Bible verse

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?"-1Cor3:16

 Took a new meaning to me. My body is the dwelling place of the Most High and I shouldn't defile it. Along with keeping it holy, I have to keep it healthy. I wanted to be able to do more without the feeling of always being tired such as walking to my classes on opposite sides of campus and leading praise and worship without sweating and running out of breath by the second song! By taking the time to take care of myself, I can do more for God and experience the fullness of life He promised. I'll be posting regularly on my journey and that is the reason for this post so that whoever will read will know where it all started. I want to encourage any and everyone who has been thinking of making the change to just take the leap of faith. You'll thank yourself for it a year from now. It's been 10 months and almost 50 pounds weight loss later and the person I am today is not anymore the person I was October of last year. Getting my health in check has allowed me to focus on school, and my spiritual growth as well. It transforms every aspect of your life so stop thinking and be like the Nike slogan: JUST DO IT! 

Yorkamazing <3
Today's Memory Verse (T.M.V)
 "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."-3John1:2

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