Tuesday, October 14, 2014


"Who can find a virtuous women, for her price is far above rubies"- Proverbs 31:10

The definition of worth that I want to lay emphasis on in this post is " having excellence of character or quality as commending esteem" and "usefulness or importance, as to the world, to a person, or for a purpose" (Dictionary.com) I've been sitting before God a lot lately, just me and my Bible, reading and one of the things that has been on my mind lately is worth and standards.When it comes to having standards, as children of the Most High God, we are to be unapologetic about them. Standards are not meant to be compromised. Do not allow the devil to shortchange you in life by offering you less than what you deserve in terms of friendships, relationships, and life goals. I heard someone say "You cannot complain about what you allow", and that phrase, along with countless other experiences this year, has really made me think about not just who I am, but more importantly, who God made me. It has made me stop and ask myself, "FeeFe, what do you allow in your life, and what are things you cannot compromise on?". I want to encourage you also to ask yourself those questions. One of the areas that God has really been teaching me about is the area of marriage and self worth. 

 The Bible tells us, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communication hath light with darkness?" (2 Corinthians 6:14). Most people understand this as being, if you are a Christian then only marry a fellow Christian, which is true, but it goes deeper than just proclaiming Christianity. Marriage is to be built by a man and woman who are like-minded meaning besides salvation, they have similar views on life and what they want to accomplish out of life. The same Scriptures say, "Can two walk together unless they agreed?" (Amos 3:3) There's the need for a common ground, a vision, a purpose, a direction and both parties need to be on board for the mission. When you have a vision for your life, do not be apologetic when someone comes along that doesn't fit that vision. As long as your vision is God given, compromising your standard and being unequally yoked can lead to you not fulfilling your destiny. Like Abraham, you bring a long Lot when God gave you the vision. Those who did not get the vision may not understand why you pray the way you do, why you abstain from certain things, and all of the misunderstandings will eventually lead to a fallout or worse, a delayed of purpose. "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepth the law, happy is he" (Proverbs 29:18) Not everyone can journey with you through life. If they don't see what you see, you both are heading in different directions and staring at different finish lines.

The present age we are in wants to make people, especially women, think that they have to forget God's vision and plan for their lives, and settle for whatever and whomever comes their way. Society throws your age and the "you are not getting any younger" phrase at you in an attempt to make you accept the offers being given to you. Men, ungodly men and undercover wolves in Christian clothing, tell you that in order for you to get married, you must have premarital sex and indulge in fornication. There are other who tell you there are no more single, available, God-fearing men, so you must settle for being a mistress to a married men because that's all you can get. These are all lies from the pit of the enemy. God is still a Just and Holy God! God is still a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). If the devil comes with his lies, arm yourself with the Word of God. In regards to getting older, your Father in Heaven has said, "Your eyes saw my unformed  body; all the days ordained for me were written in Your Book before one of them came to be"-Psalms 139:16. God sees you 28 and single, God sees you 38 and single, God sees! He ordained your entire life before your first breath. Do not allow the pressures of time rush you into making godless decisions! When the devil tempts you with premarital sex, remember "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you?"- 1 Corinthians 3:16. Do not apologize for not allowing filth to contaminate the Holy Place of God. Sex before marriage is still a sin before God! Holiness is the standard. Lastly in regards to the lie that married men is all there is for you, remember God's Word that says, "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth"- Proverbs 5:18. The Word of God clearly shows that you are good enough to be someone's wife who he will rejoice over. You are not made for hand-me-downs. Do not apologize for wanting what is good and what is yours alone.  

God has not changed and I really pray that whoever comes across this is encouraged. Hold on to your God given vision. He is the same God that said you are wonderfully, and fearfully made! (Psalm 139:14) You are worth more than what the 21st century is offering you for your worth is far above the rubies. If you are at point in your life where you are starting to doubt your worth, go sit before your Father and let Him fill you up again. Let Him be the one to validate you and not people. If marriage is a desire of your heart, trust that the same God that placed that desire there will meet the desire. There's no need to compromise yourself because that's what other women are doing and there's no need to apologize to the men you refuse to entertain. God cannot be mocked. Your purity honors Him and your unwavering love for Him and His standards delights Him. Your obedience gladdens Him and it's enough to make Him move mountains on your behalf.  Daughter of Zion, trust that your Father has your best interest at heart and have peace. As you remain unapologetic about His standards, He will make all things beautiful in its own time, (Ecclesiastics 3:11) 

Yorkamazing <3
TMV- Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a hope and a future"

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