Sunday, September 2, 2012

Great Intercessor

Today, my spirit was very quiet and as a result, my physical self, was quiet. I went through the day barely speaking and barely responsive to what was said to me. I used to wonder, why is it that my spirit will just decide to be quiet but days like these make me realize that while I am flesh and while I may not understand the things of the spiritual world, the real me, is a spirit. While pondering on what to blog, it was dropped in my heart that the Spirit of God makes intersessions on our behalf. It says in the Word of God

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered"- Romans8:26 

There are so many things that happen in the spirit world before it is made manifested in the physical. We are not left alone to fend for ourselves. Even in the situations where we ourselves don't know how to pray, the Spirit of God prays for us with groanings which cannot be expressed in words. I was made to understand that days like these, are special days because my spirit has been made aware of something that my physical has yet to comprehend. I've started seeing days like this as periods where God is sitting me on the sidelines, away from the battle, and taking my problems on all by Himself. Like a Father who would rather cover his child and be the one hit with a bullet, is how I view God on these days. I just know He is looking out for me and doesn't need my help even in regards to praying. He has completely taken on everything and my spirit is left quiet, in awe of His might.  No matter what we face, our great Intercessor constantly pleads for us and while I may not yet physically see what has happened, I thank God for always being there. What a great way to be introduced into this new month. Be still, and know that God is in control! "Be still", says the Lord.
I won't be Afraid by Ashmont Hill

Yorkamazing <3
T.M.V -Exodus 14:14

"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace"


  1. you are kidding me after reading your post before the video, EX14:14 came to mind and i was going to place it here just to see it after the video. OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST is too Amazing . this is the only journey i wish never ends but it sure will physically for us to enjoy our permanent abode in Heaven with God.

    1. We serve an awesome God!! May God uphold us to the end that we may fellowship together in heaven! Amen!

      Thank you for reading!
