Sunday, August 5, 2012

Staying True to You

When my day is over and I'm getting ready to sleep, I usually don't fall asleep right away. When I enter my bed, my mind starts to reflect over the day I just had. I think about every conversation I had. Did I kill anyone with my words, or did I speak life? I think about every interaction with people. Did they leave me happier than they were before they met me? I think about all the things I did, and the things I didn't do and when I'm done, I "grade" myself and pray about it thanking God for the things that went well, and asking God to help me improve in the areas that need improvement. I don't compare myself to anyone during the entire process. Why? Because it's my life, my journey. The only person I'm praying God should help me become better than is the woman I was yesterday. Not you. Not my mother. Not the woman the world thinks I should be. 

I've learned the importance of being true to who I am even when it's not popular because at the end of this journey of life, I alone shall stand before God and give an account of how I spent the life He gave me. When that day come, I do not want to stand before God explaining how I couldn't fulfill my destiny because I was too busy attempting to be the person everyone wanted me to be. Instead, I want to stand before my Creator and hear Him say

 " Well Done, good and faithful servant. You've been faithful in a little therefore I shall make you ruler of much. Enter into the joy of your Lord"- Matthew 25:23

With that in mind, people should realize that when I do anything, it's not for your applause, or to impress you. I am simply living the life God gave me and by His grace, living it for His glory. If along the course of this my journey, the people around me are amazed by me and think that I'm some extraordinary,super talented, kind hearted  person, to God be the glory. If along the course of this journey, the people around me think I'm an unoriginal, irrelevant person, still to God be the glory. You see, my life is not for your entertainment. It's for the glory of God. The very first thing I learned early on in my Christian life was Proverbs 31:30.

"Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised"-Proverb31:30

I learned from that verse that living life to please people is not only impossible, but rather insipid. Favor truly is deceitful. I've seem too many people love me today, and hate me the next day without just cause. They couldn't even provide a solid reason for the sudden hatred. It was "just because". Beauty is also vain. If you live focused on just the outward appearance, you live in vain. Today's fashion statement is tomorrow's " What Were They Thinking: Top 10 Wardrobe Fails of the 21st Century". The most beautiful girl in the world today can get disfigured in an accident tomorrow, and then what? But I thank God that the verse ends with saying that the woman that fears God shall be praised. There's over 7 billion people in this world, but ONE GOD and I choose to honor Him with my life. What He tells me to do, even this blog, I'll do it. Where He sends me, I'll gladly go. The talents He has given me, no matter how little the world may try to downplay it, I'll use it for His glory. When I go to sleep at night, I'll be at peace knowing where I stand with Him. That peace that comes with being true to myself and my purpose in life, is worth your dislike of me, it's worth your un-friending me on Facebook, it's worth you un-following me on Twitter if I had one. Basically, it's worth your disapproval. Period. 

Yorkamazing <3
Today's Memory Verse (T.M.V)
Philippians 3:14

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus"

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