Monday, August 13, 2012

What's Done In The Dark....

People have been stopping me recently and asking me the "secret" to losing weight. I tell anyone that wants to hear that there's no secret. It's really a simple process that only requires persistency and dedication. How bad do you really want it? All it requires is for you to eat right, stay hydrated, and put in some form of physical activity throughout the week......and sticking to this for life.  It's not a diet nor a lose weight quick scam because it works and it produces long term results.

I titled this blog "What's Done In The Dark" because that's how I feel about losing weight and becoming healthy. It is only recently that people started noticing the difference in my stamina and appearance though I've been in this process now for almost 11 months. People are only seeing the results of 11 months of hard work, and not all the other months of sweating and discipline. No one really saw what I did in the dark. No one saw the waking up at 6:30am to go workout at the gym before morning lectures. No one saw that first day on the elliptical machines in the gym where trying to last 30 minutes felt like suffering through a heart attack. No one saw the first grocery trip where I had to learn how to shop the healthy way and bypass all the junk, and pick up fruits and vegetables. No one saw the moments of googling healthy ways to prepare food, or the thousands of times I would google up the nutritional value of products first before buying it or the nutritional value of restaurants before I go out to eat with friends just to ensure I don't deviate from the healthy things. No one saw how difficult it was to replace my addiction to sweet tea with water and those that know me will know that this was hard. I could go on and on.

Fast forward to today however, and everyone congratulates you. They see the changes and are proud of you and you can't help but smile. This shows that whatever you do in the dark will eventually come to the light, whether good or bad. Your private efforts will one day pay off. That which you do when no one is looking, shall be seen one day. I say success is nothing but a summation of little efforts. Therefore, do not be discourage if no one takes notice of your hard work. The word of God tells us

"And let us not grow weary in well doing; For in due season we shall reap, if we faint not"-Galatians 6:9

It may take months, or even years to achieve what it is you are going for, but you keep going.  Frustrations will come and there will be days when you want to give you, but keep going. Whether you have the support of others, or you are surviving on just your determination, keep going with all diligence. Whatever it is that you are working on, whether working towards being healthy,  finishing school, or laying the foundation of your dreams and aspirations, do it all with all diligence. God will honor it and your season of harvest will come when the whole world will be force to recognize it. What's done in the light, will come to the light!

Yorkamazing <3
Today's Memory Verse (T.M.V)
Luke 8:17

"There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to the light"

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